von Platen et al.: Long Bien Bridge

Hanoi, Vietnam. A legendary bridge. People, people, people. Working, walking, exercising, motorbiking, repairing, waiting, cleaning, haircutting, cell phoning, water, steel, construction, trains from inside and outside. No dialogue, no interviews, pure observation, no arrangement, small sequences, small human interactions, small stories.

For what is a story? A story can be a raindrop on a chin. Or a mother counting with her small son. Finger by finger. Or woman in white crossing the square where everyone seems to cross on their motorbike. Or a hairdresser performing his profession under the dress. Or trading at a market. Like pearls on a string, the filmmakers bring us stories, one after the other with what seems to be an authentic sound design.

The 3 Danes were there in the spring 2007, I was there with 3 other Danes in December 2007. And can say that this is how it is. This is how I felt it. There is no such thing as an objective picture of a country, ans the filmmakers do not at all pretend to cover or prove anything, they were there, as we were, and the atmosphere they construct, the feeling of being there, is as it is. Watching, observing, being curious, there is a truthfulness in this documentary that is a much better invitation to go to Vietnam than hundreds of tourist clips and brochures.

The names of the filmmakers are Cai-Ulrich von Platen, Steen Møller Rasmussen and Peter Schultz Jørgensen. The film is 34:22 minutes long and was released in 2008.


Cai Ulrich von Platen
Værkstedsvej 40
2500 Valby
t: +4526716280
e: caiulrich@vonplaten.dk

Price: 100DKr. That goes to “Agent Orange Children”, Vietnam.

Avi Mograbi

At DOCSBarcelona Israeli director Avi Mograbi had two screenings of his latest film, ”Z 32”, a film that I have praised several times on filmkommentaren.dk

On top of that the director performed a three hour masterclass for 180 people according to this concept: a director chooses 7 clips from his films, clips that he has something special to say about. Mograbi went through a substantial part of his work, and made comments that were all an investigation into the position of the filmmaker towards his character(s). From humourous situations like the one where he has eye contact with Sharon in ”How I learned to overcome my fear and love Ariel Sharon” to his confrontation with the Israeli soldiers, who will not allow Palestinian children to pass a fence and go home from school, in ”Avenge but one of my two Eyes”, to his Brechtian choice of singing his reflections in ”Z 32”: ”Am I housing a murderer in my film”?

A masterclass, a master’s class, Mograbi is exactly as his films are: tense, sometimes comic, but always dealing with the embarrassing reality of the country he lives in. A frustrated artist, as he says himself, who wants to move something, raise a debate in Israel, but does not succeed, he is met with total silence, no reactions, whereas he now is an estimated artist in Western Europe! In the next issue of Cahiers du Cinema, the headline is characterising him as ”Le Grand sculpteur de notre temps”. ”Z32” will be released in French cinemas in this month.


Nils Vest: An Oppressed People is Always Right

Danish director Nils Vest offers his controversial Palestine film, shot in a refugee camp in Southern Lebaning in 1974, to be watched online for free, or to be bought at his company. His contact details are mentioned below.

Utrættelige Nils Vest har lagt sin Palæstinafilm fra 1974 på nettet til frit gennemsyn. Han skriver:

Så er der nu mulighed for at se den snart godt brugte, men desværre ikke forældede film om de palæstinensiske flygtninge og Palæstina/Israel-konflikten  –  ET UNDERTRYKT FOLK HAR ALTID RET  –  som streamet video på nettet. I både dansk og engelsk version.

Filmen blev optaget i 1974 i Libanon, havde premiere i 1975, modtog Guldmedalje på Palestine Film Festival i 1976 og måtte i 1977, hvor den også modtog PH-Prisen, trækkes tilbage i nogle måneder for mindre justeringer i speakerteksten, efter pres fra Israel-lobbyen.
At denne lobby så senere fik indgået en aftale med først Statens Filmcentral, siden Filminstituttet, om at filmen aldrig skulle over på video (den lå de første år udelukkende som 16-mm kopier), det kom frem under Operation Dagsværk i 1998. Og SÅ kom den i videodistribution!

Hvis man ikke er tilfreds med at se den på nettet  –  hvorfra den både kan ses direkte og downloades, gratis!  –  kan man købe en DVD-kopi med begge sprogversioner, i højere billedkvalitet for 125 kr. + forsendelse. Se http://www.vestfilm.dk/filmsalg.html

Manden der ville redde Saddam / Saving Saddam

Team Productions forsynede mig venligt med en kopi af den helt nye danske version (release 1. december) af filmen, så jeg på Den Skandinaviske Designskole i aftes kunne vise den sammen med Eva Mulvads “Vores lykkes fjender” fra 2006 for et bemærkelsesværdigt opmærksomt og engageret publikum, et halvt hundrede unge formgivere.. 

De fangede måske ikke mine usikre pointer i introduktionerne om lyddesign og karakterudvikling, men de fangede i hvert fald alle filmenes så sikkert konstruerede følelser. Fra først til sidst. Og de fik for et par timer så tydeligt for mig at mærke i mørket to nye helte fra det virkelige liv, den canadiske jurist Bill Wiley og den afghanske politiker Malalai Joya.

Det er meget, meget vigtigt, at Esteban Uyarras, Michael Christoffersens og Mette Heides overbevisende film om den skandaløse retssag mod Saddam Hussein og Baath-lederne nu snart kan ses på Filmstriben. Ved siden af “Milosevic on trial” fra 2007 og, kunne jeg sådan ønske og anbefale, Christoffersens “Genocide: The Judgement” fra 1999. Så havde vi tre vægtige skildringer af tre markante, historiske retssager og af udviklingen inden for den alvorlige del af international ret. Til skolerne og bibliotekerne i det mindste. Senere forhåbentlig til den øvrige offentlighed.

I have written about the film in English in FILM: The Crime of Crimes

Tom Alandh: Det finns bare en Ingemar Johansson

Se, det var en smuk tv-dokumentar. Set på SVT i går og udsendt i anledning af hovedpersonens død. Om én af de store bokse-legender, svenske Ingo = Ingemar Johansson. Med fine spørgsmål fra instruktøren, journalisten Tom Alandh, stillet til Ingo’s kone, som svarer lavmælt og kærligt på spørgsmålene om den mand, som hun blev gift med, men separeredes fra i 1969. Birgit er hendes navn, og de to holdt kontakt livet igennem, og filmen handler ligeså meget om hendes eget liv i søgelyset fra det øjeblik, hvor manden fra Sverige blev ”the champ” til hun forlod ham. Hun fører i filmen sin mand rundt blandt de mange trofæer, han lider af alzheimers sygdom og der kommer ingen selvstændige ord ud af hans mund. Det giver selvfølgelig filmen, optaget i 2005, et tragisk præg at se den store charmerende mand sidde og stirre ud i luften på et plejehjem. Lyttende til sin yndling Frank Sinatras sang. Men filmen i øvrigt er en herlig fortælling om boksning og om at blive en verdensstjerne og få et liv i sus og dus, det liv som Birgit forlod af kedsomhed. En amerikansk boksejournalist fortæller levende om Ingo som bokser og der er fremragende klip fra ”the trilogy”, de tre kampe Ingo og Floyd Patterson kæmpede mod hinanden. De to som blev tætte venner på trods af de gensidige øretæver.

2005, 96 mins.

Reprise: SVT2 Måndag 17 april kl 15.15. Eller se den på nettet 

DR: Dokumania

It is not very often you feel like praising the programming of a public broadcaster when it comes to documentaries. But what DR, the Danish public broadcaster, has done by introduction of the prime time slot (8.40pm every tuesday) Dokumania deserves to be mentioned. Here are the four coming documentaries to be broadcasted on these tuesdays starting from tonite. In original version with subtitles, with a good website (In Danish but with links to the film sites):

1)The excellent ”The Times of Harvey Milk” by Epstein and Schmiechen. Go to their site and see the trailer and how to get hold of it. 2) A Danish doc premiere about the rise and fall of the Danish political party, ”New Alliance”, by Christoffer Guldbrandsen. 3) Alex Gibney´s awarded ”Taxi to the Dark Side”, reviewed in Danish on filmkommentaren.dk. 4) Alan Berliner’s ”Wide Awake”, read about it on the HBO site and watch trailer and interview with the always interesting Berliner.

For our Danish readers: You can sign up for a Dokumania newsletter, site below.


Photo: The Times of Harvey Milk.

Danish Awards 2009

At a ceremony saturday February 1st the Danish Film Academy Robert Awards 2009 were given, including documentaries in a short and long category. The winners were for the Best Short Documentary “Little Miss Grown-Up” (photo), director Anders Gustafsson and Patrik Book. For the Best Long Documentary one more appreciation was dedicated to “BURMA VJ – Reporting from a Closed Country” by Anders Høgsbro Østergaard.


Czech Doc Awards

Better late than never they seem to think in Czech Republic, a country with a fine documentary tradition. This is what is reported from the IDF (Institute of Documentary Film) Headquarter in Prague, from one of the best written and edited doc sites, address below:

At the Czech Lion Awards nomination ceremony Friday, January 30, the Czech Film and Television Academy presented special awards to three Czech documentary films. Since a separate category for Best Documentary Film has only been created this year, members of the Academy selected the following from a shortlist of twelve titles made from 1993 to 2007: Czech Dream (photo) by Filip Remunda and Vít Klusák; Marcela by Helena Třeštíková, and Nicholas Winton – The Power of Good by Matej Mináč.

All great films, I can add. Award as Best Documentary Film 2008 went to Citizen Havel, by Pavel Koutecky and Miroslav Janek. My comment: Of course.


Peter Entell

What a pleasure to listen to Peter Entell at the masterclass in Belgrade in connection with the Magnificent7 festival. Well prepared he showed clips from his previous films, talked about them and about his way of filmmaking,  especially related to his latest film, ”Shake the Devil Off”. I made some notes that I will share with you.

I dont know what I am filming, he said. I am going there to find the story. My cameraman for the New Orleans film wrote with his camera. I had the second camera, did the reaction shots and together we were filming all these unrepeatable moments, hoping that we could get something in which we could find the story. I sense the emotions but I dont really know what goes on when I am on location. One take, thats all. This is storytelling, I dont believe in reality, there is none, there is perhaps a truth, but truth is not reality. I love the editing process. I go over the rushes again and again, I ask friends to come in and give me their reactions to what they see. I never do rough cuts, I edit the scenes immediately. I love the revealing silences in a story.  

It is sick to think about an audience and I dont want to pretend that I am targeting such one, Entell says. I dont ever set up anything, I aim for the emotional possibilities.

I had seen a couple of Entell’s films in beforehand, the masterly told story ”Rolling” and the reflective essayistic ”The Tube” about the impact of television. American born Entell, who lives in Switzerland, has now added another great work to his filmography, ”Shake the Devil Off”.


My Iranian Paradise

Katia Forbert Petersen’s & Annette Mari Olsen’s film has a theatrical screening at the Louisiana Museet in Humlebæk, Denmark, february, 10th at 19:30.

Tue Steen Müller wrote an interview with the directors published in FILM’s IDFA edition nov. 2008. Read here 

Katia Forbert Petersen and Annette Mari Olsen: My Iranian Paradise, Denmark 2008, 78 min. Sfinx Film, Copenhagen