Pernille Rose Grønkjær: The Monastery

En af de mest bemærkelsesværdige film i lang tid, efter opsigtsvækkende rundrejse gennem et år til en række festvaler i udlandet, efter en tur i enkelte biografer herhjemme NU omsider i tv:

DR2 mandag, 10. december kl. 20:55:

Jeg har for nogen tid siden anmeldt filmen her på bloggen. Hvad jeg skrev kan hentes frem ved at skrive titlen i søgevinduet.

My review in English:

Jeg har også skrevet om lydarbejdet i filmen:

Djævelens advokat/Terrors Advocate

The film has its Danish cinema premiere today, so this is a repeat of the review written in connection with the cph:dox festival. Go and watch the film!

“This is the director’s point of view on Jacques Vergès which may differ from the opinions of people interviewed in the film”. These words are to be found on screen at the start of this fascinating film about a man, who during his whole life as an advocate has defended and had connections to criminals like Barbie, RAF people, Carlos – and who is up to take the case of Pol Pot’s Khmer Rouge comrade Khieu Sampran.

Well, what the director’s view really is stays a bit unclear to me but what stands out is the focus on a charismatic adventurer Jacques Vergès, who sits behind his enormous desk, constantly with a wonderful cuban cigar in his hand, a man who has enjoyed a life as a star advocate with a very simple anti-american political agenda. This is declared from the very beginning with a clip of Pol Pot who quotes a book by Vergès. In this he describes Pol Pot, the mass murderer, as a smiling and gentle person. Cut from Pol Pot to Vergès who puts forward his doubts about the numbers of people killed by the regime of Pol Pot and says that what the Americans did was much worse. His words accompany the images from the killing fields in Cambodia.

Yes, in this sequence the point of view is clear.

Barbet Schroeder tells his story through an excellent mix of archive, interviews with a lot of people who have worked with or been friends with Vergès, and with some of the terrorists now out of prison. Like Magdalena Kopp, Rote Armee Fraktion, the lover of Carlos and Vergès?

For me, however, the most interesting part of this tour-de-force of pre-9/11 world terrorist history is the long early start of the film where French politics in Algiers is the subject. Vergès was involved in the fight for freedom for the Algerians and married the female hero of the fight, Djamila Bouhired, who is portrayed in the film “The battle of Algiers” by Pontecorvo. Clips from this film, great archive material and interviews revive the French massacres and the answers from Algerian side.

The film is more than two hours long but you feel informed, sometimes angered and admittedly entertained by this elegant mysterious character who gives you no more information than he wants to.

Barbet Schroeder: Terror’s Advocate. France, 2007

Jørgen Vestergaard: Hanstholm

Jørgen Vestergaard er en af dansk dokumentarfilms absolutte hædersmænd. Det er altid i orden, hvad han leverer. Fine, varme beskrivelser af mennesker udenfor hovedstaden og af miljøer, som vi københavnere ser alt for lidt til. Nu drejer det sig om Hanstholm, som instruktøren har lavet en halv time lang film om med titlen “Hanstholm – historien om en havn”. Arkiv, interviews, nutidige optagelser – som sædvanligt lavet af Orla Nielsen – og en nænsom speak, som tager os ved hånden.

Det er alt sammen gedigen oplysning og når man så ovenikøbet på samme dvd får (instruktørens beskedne ord) “fire ældre film om Hanstholm” med som bonusmateriale, så er der også tid til lidt sød dansk dokumentarfilmhistorie.

Lad mig nævne to af dem: “Vagt ved havet” fra 1965, produceret for Dansk Kulturfilm, vidunderligt fotograferet af Lennart Steen og “Havnen”, det 10 minutter lange øjebliksbillede fra 1967, ligeledes med Steen bag kameraet. Produceret for Kortfilmrådet. Oh, disse smukke sort-hvide billeder.

For folk der ikke har denne professionelle skavank er denne dvd et flot lille stykke danmarkshistorie med et vedlagt hæfte, der giver baggrundsinformation.

Salg og distribution: Forlaget Knakken, 7700 Thisted. E-mail:

PS. I øvrigt ligger der 15 af instruktørens øvrige film i DFI’s katalog: eller direkte:

Eva Mulvad: Den sidste dans

Jeg var selv forhindret, har set den et par gange tidligere, men jeg går ud fra, at det gik som det skulle, at DR1 sendte Eva Mulvads vidunderlige dokumentarfilm med plejehjemsbeboerne, hvor Adam Nielsens fremragende klip af de præcise og nærværende og LYTTEDE optagelser på den lille time udvikler en håndfuld karakterers helt særegne og forskellige livsdramaer, så vi sidder med noget nær livsgåden i hænderne, rystede, klogere og glade.

Jeg opfatter nemlig ikke filmen som sort. Den er da lys, ikke som absurd, nej da, fuld af mening, slet ikke som komedie, nej, organiseret som drama, snarere. Ellers er jeg ikke uenig med DR1’s beskrivelse på hjemmesiden:

At både Mulvad og Nielsen får præmier sammen og hver for sig er ikke underligt. Det er topklasse og meget, meget smukt!

Jeg har skrevet lidt om Adam Nielsens klip til sidst i denne artikel:


NB Filmen genudsendes mandag, 10. december kl. 14:15 på DR1 og fredag, 14. december kl. kl.08:30 på DR1

IDFA Forum 2007 – 2

3 project presentations were quite nicely done in terms of verbal and visual pitch – and yes, I am biased, I know the people, I hoped the best for them, but I am also sure that many other will agree that these filmmakers did their job

– Dragan and Jovana Nikolic from Serbia performed very well. Due to their nice, warm clip and their personality many tv stations applauded the “Caviar Connection” story with the two original fishermen who fight to get the sturgeons that one day end up as expensive caviar somewhere in the world. The first one to praise them was Nick Fraser from BBC Storyville and others joined him

– Hypermarket Film from Czech Republic, represented by Filip Remunda (“Czech Dream”) and director Marko Skop (“Other World”) satirisized over the EU with their presentation “Osadné – Brussels – Osadné”, including a great clip about the small Slovak village and its delegates and their expectations to the EU in Brussels

– and “The two Last Tightrope Dancers” by Armenian Inna H. and Vardan H. exemplified that if you have strong enough characters, if you demonstrate passion and charm, if you know how to answer questions then you can win the hearts of broadcasters, who still believe in the cross-bordering potential of good documentary stories like did Vera Bonnier from SVT and other competent people in the small room, where the Armenians performed.

IDFA Forum 2007

I was at the IDFA Forum as an observer. Documentary film and tv projects were presented (pitched) to a panel of so called commissioning editors. The pitching time was 15 minutes, 50% to those pitching, 50% to those responding. It was the 15th time that this event was organised.

The venue was new, and there was a new format for the pitching. Some projects, most of them, were pitched in the big auditorium, some in a smaller room with a round-table discussion to follow the pitchings that always consist of a verbal presentation and a visual (= a clip/trailer/demo/pilot).

Also new was that it was possible to enter projects that did NOT have 25% of the financing in place. And projects that were at the rough cut stage.

3 days from morning till night – and what did the observer get out of it:

Originality and creativity come primarily from the new EU countries and the countries outside the EU.

The market in general asks for mainstream formatted documentaries.

The broadcasters (= the commissioning editors) around the table do in general NOT take any chances, they want to play safe, and pitched projects that do not include humour and are just a bit complicated – they meet hesitation and “I want to hear much more”.

Many of the experienced producers pitching are surprisingly weak in their presentations.

Many of the experienced commissioning editors are surprisingly weak in their responses to the filmmakers.

Most of the people around the table can only go for pre-buys and not for coproductions.

Maybe this should be reflected in the set-up of the Forum?

Conclusion: On one side there are so many talented people who want to make documentaries and the interest in documentaries have never been so big as now. Festivals are growing like mushrooms. On the other side – the role of television as the innovator of the documentary genre internationally is minimal both financially and creatively.

Without public funding, where would the creative documentaries in Europe stand today?

For more information

Kossakovski at the Forum at IDFA

On the second day of the pitching at the Forum at IDFA Viktor Kossakovski, one of the few stars of the international documentary scene gave the following remark after his pitch:

You know what, I remember when it started many years ago and I had a pitch. It was quite a different situation. Ten years ago the crucial person in the cinema business was the filmmaker. And commissioning editors were people who wanted to support good filmmakers, but still the filmmaker was the person who created the film… and now we have a strange situation. The filmmaker is like nobody and the commissioning editor is like a Tsar. And they decide what film I will make, what kind of film, how I must do it. They even want me to sign a contract [to say] they have the final cut. I wish to Ally, to Adriek and all the team not to forget the idea of Forum – not to support the television industry but to support the creative person who knows how to move cinema forward… They [commissioning editors] have to know that if we continue this way, then we will not have filmmakers any more. (Viktor Kossakowski, filmmaker, Russia)

Quote taken from

Jon Bang Carlsen Før gæsterne kommer

Det var pokkers! Et af dansk dokumentarfilms absolutte mesterstykker bliver genudsendt i morgen tirsdag på DR2. Det drejer sig om Jon Bang Carlsens “Før gæstertne kommer”, en film som med succes er gået verden over for sin fine og varme og sjove beskrivelse af de to gamle damer, der gør et lille pensionat på Fanø klar til det store rykind, det vil sige det beherskede antal først og fremmest tyskere, der år efter år finder vej til den stille idyl.

Værelserne støves af, lamperne checkes, alt skal bringes i orden, det er dansk hygge i yderste potens, som den kunne folde sig ud for 20 år siden – eller rettere sagt som den fremragende dokumentarist Jon Bang Carlsen så den og beskrev den ved hjælp af sin såkaldte “iscenesatte dokumentariske” metode.

En kort film med et langt liv. Vi kipper med flaget for DR2 og deres temaaftener, bliv ved, der er masser af guld at tage af!

IDFA Congratulations

The 20’th edition of the IDFA festival started yesterday and goes on until the 2nd of December. Fantastic, and what a contribution to the success of the genre, Ally Derks and her committed team has performed during these 20 years. Thank you! You may always discuss the selection of films, the demand for exclusivity for the films to be screened, if there are too many films and too many people, if the definition of the genre is too broad. BUT it is THE festival for the documentaries and it has set the standards for many others, as well as institutionalized initiatives like the Forum, the Jan Vrijman Fund, the Academy etc.

The following text is taken from their new site:

Every year, IDFA presents the best documentaries, selected from a huge field. This selection is made on the basis of clear criteria. In short, IDFA looks for documentaries that are interesting from a stylistic point of view, or are particularly innovative, relevant to social issues and successfully manage to communicate with their audiences.

IDFA has always focused on creative documentaries. This means that IDFA chooses films that have been painstakingly designed and that express the personal vision of the maker. The creative documentary is an art form. The documentary-maker is therefore an artist – not a journalist. Where the journalist attempts with his or her reports to present reality as objectively as possible, the artist follows his or her own idea. The laws of journalism therefore do not apply to the creative documentary; the documentary has its own quality criteria. Like reportage, documentaries provide insights into the world around us; but they are also characterised primarily by artistic qualities: innovation, originality, professional skill, expressiveness and cultural/historical value.

The International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam is the largest documentary festival in the world. Every year since 1988, more than 250 international documentaries are screened for a huge number of film lovers and professionals. The festival is an exciting meeting place for directors, producers, buyers, financiers and audiences alike.

If you dont go there, follow the festival on the site which has trailers, reports from seminars etc.