I was at the IDFA Forum as an observer. Documentary film and tv projects were presented (pitched) to a panel of so called commissioning editors. The pitching time was 15 minutes, 50% to those pitching, 50% to those responding. It was the 15th time that this event was organised.
The venue was new, and there was a new format for the pitching. Some projects, most of them, were pitched in the big auditorium, some in a smaller room with a round-table discussion to follow the pitchings that always consist of a verbal presentation and a visual (= a clip/trailer/demo/pilot).
Also new was that it was possible to enter projects that did NOT have 25% of the financing in place. And projects that were at the rough cut stage.
3 days from morning till night – and what did the observer get out of it:
Originality and creativity come primarily from the new EU countries and the countries outside the EU.
The market in general asks for mainstream formatted documentaries.
The broadcasters (= the commissioning editors) around the table do in general NOT take any chances, they want to play safe, and pitched projects that do not include humour and are just a bit complicated – they meet hesitation and “I want to hear much more”.
Many of the experienced producers pitching are surprisingly weak in their presentations.
Many of the experienced commissioning editors are surprisingly weak in their responses to the filmmakers.
Most of the people around the table can only go for pre-buys and not for coproductions.
Maybe this should be reflected in the set-up of the Forum?
Conclusion: On one side there are so many talented people who want to make documentaries and the interest in documentaries have never been so big as now. Festivals are growing like mushrooms. On the other side – the role of television as the innovator of the documentary genre internationally is minimal both financially and creatively.
Without public funding, where would the creative documentaries in Europe stand today?
For more information www.idfa.nl