Beniamino Barrese: The Disappearance of My Mother

This film that I first got to watch yesterday having heard and read about it, only positive words… Here is the annotation from IDFA’s Docs for Sale:

“Benedetta (Barrese) wants to disappear. An iconic fashion model in the 1960s, she became a muse to Warhol, Dali & Penn and Avedon. As a radical feminist in the 1970s, she fought for the rights and emancipation of women. A fight against the manipulating world of images and against her son’s camera, who filmed her since he was a child, despite her resistance.”

And in the CinéDoc Festival in Tbilisi, where I was in the Caucasus jury, the international jury gave the film the main award with the following motivation:

“This film openly talks about respect, dignity, beauty and honesty. The film makes us think about how we treat privacy and who has the right to use it, which is a very important question for any documentary film. An emotional insight into a relationship between mother and son.”

And yet, why is it that I am disappointed with the film. Too high expectations? Maybe. But also because I got the impression of an insecure director, who took one path of storytelling and then went for another one and then and then… He starts by casting beautiful young women asking them to pose, having a beauty spot placed on the right chin. Which is what his mother has, his now old mother who still has a remarkable face and a charisma significant from all the great archive material in the film. BUT the film is about a mother, who wants to get away from the camera and who wants to have her son Ben to put down the camera to she can be with Ben.

As the jury in Tbilisi indirectly formulates it : she has the right to the privacy that he, the son and filmmaker, abuses constantly. Instead he has chosen to have a little bit of everything, creating her biography via archive and reconstruction of her as young – where a stronger focus on her wanting to disappear, to sum up her life, put it in boxes and be together with her son would have been much more interesting. Intimate conversations on life and opinions…

Italy, 2019, 90 mins.

Joris Ivens

“The film screen is not a window through which you look at the world, it is a world in itself.” presents yet another documentary film classic, Dutch filmmaker Joris Ivens. Recall his works from the golden collection of European cinema. Watch his films from the 1960s following his travels across the world: “17th Parallel” directly from the Vietnam War, “A Valparaíso” and “Le petit chapiteau” from Latin America’s Chile, and “Rotterdam Europort” painting a portrait of a city in his native Netherlands.

Set out on a documentary journey with globetrotter Joris Ivens!

Ai Weiwei on Documentary

The BFI Doc Society publishes a very good newsletter. In the one I received yesterday, there was a text about the presence of Chinese artist Ai Weiwei, whose last film ”The Rest” was screened at the Sheffield Documentary Festival. He was interviewed by Jess Search, here is a bit of what he said about documentary:

Documentary is always a challenge. it’s very close range. If it’s fighting, it’s like boxing. You have to take all those punches and you have to feel the pain… and about the medium… “You cannot hide, you expose yourself and also you have no excuse about any mistakes. So I love it because it’s so truthful and clear and direct. It’s a very honest form, as honest as it can get. So that’s why it attracts me so much. Because it requires observation, understanding and passion, it requires a lot of passion.

His previous documentary, edited by Danish Niels Pagh Andersen, « Human Flow », was praised on this site:


At the first session of the Ex Oriente the directors taking part were asked to write a text “I am your character” in a couple of hours. I used the two hours before meeting the directors with their texts to write about some images that stayed on my mind from what I had seen. For you readers I have made some notes below so you know just a little bit of what I am talking about. Here is my small image-poetry:

The view from my hotel window.

Three angles, the church next door, the green and more green, the man packing his car. For a Sunday drive ?

Football – Dani Alves making a great goal on my apple computer last night, they say he is 36 years, no no, he is young as ever. 1)

Football without ball. Jan Gogolas clip with the kids, who are bored of the match going on, talking about the teeth that they are losing and getting…

The intellectuals as Gogola called them in conversation about Vaclav Klaus breaking a pen somewhere far away from the stadion. 2)

… and the little boy crawling into a cupboard or whatever it is in the flat in Pilsen. Unforgettable. 3)

Cut to the people looking into the kiosk, to Ania, the mother of everyone in the Polish town, a man giving her flower, you are beautiful he says. 4)


the mother in Belarus, who has a mission, she cares, she travels her country to fight the


magic word to say, terrible meaning 5)

and this morning the clips from Israel, the Palestinians having their eyes covered, cut to corpses, the boots of dead men and a boy who is in jail because he is addicted to the internet, gosh ! 6)

and the small Roma in Maidan, no-one wants him but for the director Olga PHOTO (by Daniel Svoren) who sits next to him, she cares, she is a hero, is he a lost soul 7)

as maybe also Jesse from Canada is, coming back to hug her mother in Romania and to meet her father,

where do I belong, here or there or everywhere 8)


the world is ours as Lubo and Laco visualise, let the music and the poetry take us to Manhattan and to the streets of Paris, with or without teeth 9)

all is possible, there are no limits, if you want to send a message, use the post office, if you want say something, use the image, make

a composition that is your own, put your heart into it, learn from

Rembrandt, Brueghel, Tarkovski, Truffaut, Coutard, Sokurov, Hanak!!!


  1. Copa America, Bresil – Qatar 5-0
  2. Film 2-0 by Pavel Abraham, 2012
  3. Project by Jaroslav Kratochvil: Comfortable Century
  4. Project by Daniel Stopa: Women in Kiosk, Staron Film
  5. Project by Anna Bodyako & Alexander Mihalkovich: The Mothers´Crusade
  6. Israeli producer Hilla Medalia showed strong clips from “Uncensored Voices” and the Chinese internet-film
  7. Project by Olga Zhurba: Roma, producers Viktoria Khomenko and Darya Bassel
  8. Project by Laurentiu Garofeanu: Lost and Found
  9. Film Steam on the River by Kirchhoff and Remunda, 2015

Ex Oriente First Session 2019

… with the subtitle ”Find Your Way – Vision – Space and Storytelling” here in Banská Stiavnoca in Slovakia – is going to its end. Two more program points, exiting both of them, and then a summing up tomorrow. First one: I have just listened to Bosnian director Alen Drljevic talk about his “Men don’t Cry” that we saw yesterday, a fiction film with a documentary background on a group therapy session with former soldiers in the different armies during the Yugoslav war.  

I am writing this in the cinema, where I am to watch ”Forman vs. Forman”, a private screening for the Ex Oriente participants of the film by Jakub Hejna and Helena Trestikova, the film about Milos Forman that premiered in Cannes and has its Czech premiere at the upcoming Karlovy Vary Film Festival. I just saw a clip of the master, he will be on screen in half an hour…

The Ex Oriente workshop is perfectly organised by the IDF staff (Institute of Documentary Film). There is the right balance between the discussion of the 12 selected projects and the lectures, or call them interventions, on production and visualisation AND screenings of full films and clips and comments. I have in previous posts written about Jan Gogola and Robo and Filo (Robert Kirchhoff and Filip Remunda) and their jazz-film, which is much more than a jazz film and with this post I would like to draw your attention to

Dalia Neis (PHOTO), multi-artist from London, living in Berlin. She came up with an inspiring talk full of surprises called “Spectral Glitches, Eerie Terrains & The Unfilmable”. She took us to a clip by Joris Ivens, “Pour le Mistral” from 1966, where he was filming the unfilmable, and to a clip from American Kuca (? Did not get the name, sorry), who had another approach to filming the wind – Neis is publishing a book on The Wind, that comes out in September. She then showed us her own film, Jewish theme, shot in Krakow, experimental “Missing Meilich” from 2004, supported by Carré Noir of RTBF, at the days where there was a commissioning editor, who was allowed to take chances, Christiane Philippe. Who I remember from my EDN-time and many pitching sessions. Neis said that she found out that she had to go for another medium, and she did, telling us about her interest in sound – “how a soundtrack can represent a reality that we can´t see”. She has published sound tapes and one that she let us listen to had been picked up the filmmaker Tatia Shé, named “Biolystok”, around 4 minutes long. Neis quoted a lot of philosophers and introduced a terminology connected to some of them – I did not get it on this occasion but I will definitely follow her work. To get a bit away from the documentary, sometimes good for your health.

Back to Jan Gogola, who seems to be involved in most of the significant Czech and Slovak documentaries. And you sense it, when the directors of these films talk like him about dramaturgy and exposition and what do I know, not to forget his “open structure” ideas that took me years to understand, until I saw the films of Peter Kerekes, “66 Seasons” and “Cooking History”. Gogola had a brilliant session called “Something Else”, which it was, indeed. He showed, and analysed scenes from Vit Klusak’s “The World According to Daliborek”, “2-0” by Abraham, with fantastic scenes from a football stadion where there is a focus on what happens outside the pitch – two kids talking about the teeth that they have or are about to fall out, intellectuals in conversation about former president Vaclav Klaus behaving badly abroad, a film that portrays a society and many many more clips, including one from the “Forman vs Forman” documentary, I was waiting for, while writing this.

And there it came on the screen, a coproduction with arte by Czech Television, with production houses Negative from Prague and Alegria from Paris. A well made biography with wonderful archive with the director, who left his country for political reasons, made himself a great career in the US, went back to film “Amadeus” in Prague under strict surveillance and again back in 1989 to celebrate with his friend Vaclav Havel and the people of Czekoslovakia. With clips from his films, of course, I have seen them all. Wonderful to be reminded of. In one scene where he is watching on television “Amadeus”, he says that he feels like Salieri in comparison with Antonioni, Fellini, Visconti… well, a man who left us The Firemen’s Ball, Loves of A Blonde, One Flew Over…, Amadeus, Hair… has nothing to regret!

Kirchhoff & Remunda: Steam on the River

It was a very entertaining afternoon experience yesterday in Banská Stiavnica attending the screening of the 2015 documentary by Robert Kirchhoff and Filip Remunda (they call each other Robo and Filo!) followed by a masterclass with the two that gave us, the Ex Oriente audience, an insight to the making of the film. And you could sense, from the film and the class afterwards, that it had been quite as fun to make the film, as it was to watch it. Let me tell you what the film is about through the annotation from the distributor’s catalogue:

„The story of three extraordinary but aging jazzmen coming from former Czechoslovakia: Laco Deczi now lives in New York, Jan Jankeje in Stuttgart and Lubo Tamškovič used to live in Paris. Laco’s close friend Chris DePino, a musician as well as a politician close to George W. Bush, is attempting to put on a concert of the Czechoslovak Jazz Stars commemorating the anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. Of course the concert may never be organized… A film about the transience of fame which is fleeting, just like the steam that silently appears and disappears over a flowing river.”

And yet this text is not covering what we saw. As Kirchhoff said the film is

about creativity, about these old people improvising, “trying to live a life in poetry”, being themselves, charismatic each in their own way. The film is full of fine surprising moments and it is touching to see Lubo walking through the Paris where he was once a star, going to the places where he used to play, having his last gig, Remunda called it a “documentary miracle”, where he is not playing the trumpet but singing, making the club full of dancing people. Without teeth in his mouth.

Being asked about their collaboration, Remunda said, that when he wanted harmony in the creative process, Kirchhoff was going for disharmony – and the two gave a tribute again to Jan Gogola, who seems to help everyone in the documentary circles in the two countries. The dramaturg went to the stage to “correct” the two directors in some issues, making Remunda say that Gogola always explains precisely what we have thought and done!

Jazz music was like an island of freedom in Soviet times, a freedom that Laco still expresses with humour wanting to write scenes to be used in the film, while the aristocratically well dressed Lubo walks around in Paris looking for Ray Steven Oche. The film includes the funeral of him, filmed in a very fine touching way.

While writing this Ivana Pauerová Milosevicová sits in front of me saying that she was at concert in Prague with Laco, celebrating his 80 year´s birthday, last year – he was young and energetic as ever. 

Carl Olsson: Patrimonium

Godsejerne – Den fædrene jord er filmens danske titel på tv-versionen som DR K sendte 19.juni. Jeg vil meget anbefale Carl Olssons på usædvanlige måder smukke film som stadigvæk kan ses i tv-versionen på

(direkte link til gratis streaming)

Det er en besynderlig dokumentarfilm, helt ude af tidens synk, smuk og egenartig og egensindig, en inderlig stemning af blid humor, der som noget karakteristisk for kulturen den skildrer uden at ryste på hånden overføres til filmværket og bliver til dets bærende følelse. Sikkert og uantastet: sådan er det – lidt morsomt, ikke sandt?

Jan Gogola on Dusan Hanak

I am in Banská Stiavnica in Slovakia, where the first session of the Ex Oriente workshop takes place. I have been invited as a substitute for Iikka Vehkalahti and I am happy to attend at the workshop of which I was part from the beginning, was it in 2002?, until I stopped in 2009. 12 projects with director and producer present from the CEE countries take part, in a later post I will mention some of them.

Last night Jan Gogola, director/dramaturg/script writer/teacher, a clever man, who was also at Ex Oriente from the beginning, had been asked to talk about and show clips from films by the two legendary directors, Slovak Dusan Hanak and Czech Karel Vachek. A very fine session that took place in the Cinema Akademik here in the Kulturstadt Banská Stiavnica. He showed fragments from ”Pictures of the Old World” from 1972 by Dusan Hanak, a film that I have adored and used several times at different schools. And from Vachek’s ”Moravian Hellas” from 1963.

Gogola thought that Hanak had chosen to make his film four years after 1968 to remind the audience of human values forgotten after the normalisation process started with the occupation of Czekoslovakia by the Warsaw pact countries. The fragments, around 20 minutes of the hour long documentary, reminded me of a tradition for philosophical reflections, old people and their faces, a man with a microphone asking ”what are the values of life”, it is sooo moving and so wonderfully filmed with close-ups and sometimes still photos. Gogola said that the film is not a document, it is a monument. Normalisation… meant that the film was ”kept out of public space for 20 years”.

Have to confess that I am not able to ”enter” Vachek’s films, there are too many references to history and culture of Czekoslovakia. Sorry.

After the presentation I talked football with Gogola, he is a connaisseur, we talked Nedved, Masopust, Hamsik, Peter Czech… and Panenka, who is the character of the great film Gogola has made.

Sidse Torstholm Larsen og Sturla Pilskog: Håbets Ø

På Grønlands Nationaldag på fredag den 21. juni fylder Grønlands Selvstyre 10 år. I den anledning sender DR2 dokumentarfilmen Håbets Ø – en film af Sidse Torstholm Larsen og Sturla Pilskog, som allerede nu kan streames på DR TV.

Her gentager vi Allan Bergs anmeldelse af film:

En ung kvinde får ordet, forstår jeg, i en samtalekreds for alkoholikere som ikke drikker. Hun er smuk, fotograferingen er smuk, det hun siger er smukt at lytte til, dette vidunderligt langsomme sprog, som i underteksterne burde være oversat omhyggeligt litterært filmen igennem (jeg så på Randers bibliotek en engelsk version med undertekster, som gjorde mig skeptisk), men scenen er smuk, Henrik Bohn Ipsen har fotograferet, og jeg kan ikke rose ham nok, alene i sin cinematografi har han lagt grunden til endnu en klassisk bysymfoni. Her om Maniitsoq i Grønland. Med fotografiet til denne film og tidligere kameraarbejde som til Inuk Silis Høeghs Sume, 2014 og Lene Stæhrs Eskimo Diva, 2015 uddyber Bohn Ipsen det dokumentarisk filmfotografiske og danske blik på det almindelige liv i Grønland i linje efter fotograferne Jette Bang, Jørgen Roos og Teit Jørgensen.

Kvinden i samtalekredsen er på vej ud af alkoholens lås og jeg følger hende

opmærksomt, for karakterudviklingen af hende er tydeligst blandt de tre som medvirker filmen igennem. Hendes spontant fascinerende nærvær og Bohn Ipsens lydefri sikre kamera og opmærksomme blik på alt i og uden for billedet, dette filmfotografi er alene denne vigtige film værd. (Henrik Bohn Ipsen har i Nicole N. Horanyi: En fremmed flytter ind, 2017 fotograferet en fuldstændig lignende scene som jeg oplever med samme følelsesindhold. Det bevægede mig mærkeligt forleden aften i bibliotekets sal).

I Håbets ø er der med denne kvinde mere at nævne. Der er scenerne hjemme på værelset med nænsom skildring af ungt liv, (hvor ville jeg dog gerne forstå dialogen ordentligt via omhyggeligt oversatte undertekster. Til norsk eller dansk), men altså en skarpt fotograferet og præcist instrueret scene i fiskefabrikkens kantine, hvor kvinden taler alvorligt, og vigtigt må jeg forstå, med en arbejdskammerat. Og der er en munter scene en sen aften blandt venner på gaden, hvor jeg i hvert fald opfatter at den unge kvinde er optaget på en videregående uddannelse i Nuuk. Og med den tro på fremtiden i hendes afrejse: jeg kommer hjem igen med viden og ny energi, former filmen sin højtidelige slutning.

Der har ellers været bekymring undervejs. Ud over den unge kvinde bygger instruktøren Sidse Torstholm Larsen sin beretning om den store skuffelse i Maniitsoq på to medvirkende mere, en socialarbejder, det er ham, som energisk følsom leder alkoholkurset, og en kommunal koordinator, som omsider frustreret må se i øjnene, at byen efter mange års arrogant påtvunget venten er blevet snydt af et stort amerikansk aluminiumsselskab. Det har ikke i sinde at bygge den fabrik i byen, som det har optioner til, selskabet har blot villet holde et norsk selskab væk. Og nu er det for sent for bystyret at skifte partner. Noget helt andet må gøres – og jeg mærker at turisme ikke er dette helt andet. Der må gribes tilbage i historien, til de grundlæggende eksistensbetingelser.

Det læser jeg af de iscenesatte samvær, af de spontane møder og især af interviewene som alle er smukke, men afgjort mest givende når jeg har ansigtet og kroppen i billedet og dialogen ikke lægges under dækbilleder (selv om de i sig selv er skabende) og der mister sit poetiske indhold og står faktuelt nøgne.

Orwa Nyrabia Talks about IDFA Changes

Readers of filmkommentaren will know that I am very happy with Syrian Orwa Nyrabia being the artistic director of IDFA. Step by step he is changing the festiwal together with his competent Staff. This post aims at making you read the fine interview with Nyrabia, for cineuropa made by Vladan Petkovic. Here is a clip:

… The strong presence of films made by northern filmmakers about the rest of the world is not enough any more. This is interesting: it’s not necessarily a bad thing, but being limited to it is certainly a relic of the past. We know today that we can’t just be watching films about the Balkan war, about the Syrian war or about the Congo, without giving a serious platform and due respect to filmmakers from these societies who are telling us their stories in their own way. This way may not exactly be designed to triumph at box offices in the West, but they are there to add to our own cultural awareness and to the development of our understanding of the world, as well as to challenge our own prejudices. This is, to me, the core of this job and of documentary festivals in general, not only IDFA…