Eva Mulvad: Kirsebæreventyret

Denne vidunderlige film er nu blevet til en lille tv-serie i to afsnit. 1. afsnit har været sendt på TV2, det kan nu ses på TV2 Play og 2. afsnit sendes på onsdag den 31. juli om aftenen. TV versionen er naturligvis noget anderledes end filmen, som jeg ved premieren skrev begejstret om:  

Eva Mulvad har atter en gang lavet en smuk og tydelig film om et moderne menneske. Han er godsejer, han hedder Harald Krabbe, han har et projekt ved siden af gårdens grundlæggende landbrugsproduktion, han vil optimere de mange kirsebærtræers udbytte, lave fornem vin i stedet for almindelig marmelade. Eva Mulvad vil skildre udvidelsen og fornyelsen, forsøget. De er energiske mennesker de to, de klæder hinanden de to.

Hvor kommer det overskud fra? Jeg tror det kommer fra elegancen – det elegante menneskes sikkerhed, det sikre professionelle greb, som igen kommer af en ubøjelig tro på det sikre valg.

Om kirsebæreventyret lykkes fortæller filmen i den tilbageholdte videns form, det udvikler sig til en thriller, jeg sidder og frygter tilbagegang, uheld, nemesis… læs mere:


Sergei Loznitsa: State Funeral

There he goes again, the master of dealing creatively with archive, Sergei Loznitsa. His new film, to be premiered at the Venice International Film Festival (August 28 – September 7), entitled ”State Funeral” is – I have copy-pasted from Screen Daily, link below for the whole article –

… about the “grandiose, terrifying and grotesque” spectacle of the funeral of Joseph Stalin.

It will be the latest of Loznitsa’s montage films based on archive footage following Blockade, Revue, The Event and The Trial…

“I have been working with footage which was shot between March 5-8, 1953 for a film called The Great Farewell by directors including Sergei Gerasimov and Ilya Kopalin,” Loznitsa explains. “But the film was banned after people in the Soviet government saw it and so it was never released. The film only appeared during the period of perestroika in the 1990s.”

Berlin-based Loznitsa worked with 100 reels of material he found in the Russian state archive, which includes footage of the four-day event in Berlin, Warsaw and Prague as well as the major Soviet cities.

“The film will follow the chronology of the four days – from the announcement of Stalin’s death to the funeral in the Red Square,“ Loznitsa explained. “I want to present audiences with the opportunity to be inside that time and feel it.

“My generation can now start to talk about this time because for previous generations like that of my parents, there are still the painful memories,“


Review of «The Trial»: http://www.filmkommentaren.dk/blog/blogpost/4393/

Review of “The Event”: http://www.filmkommentaren.dk/blog/blogpost/4148/

Welcome to the Documentary World

29 film Zelig students got their diplomas recently, as last moment of the three years professional course in documentary filmmaking, edition 2016-2019, which just ended at the end of June.

The final exams have been conducted by a commission formed by external experts in the three school specialisations (Valerio Moser for Directing/Project Development, Martin Rattini for Photography/Light, Cornelia Schöpf for Editing/Postproduction) and by a member of the school staff. The graduates presented and discussed their graduation films and a significant piece of work realised in these years.

Their final films are now being submitted to International Film Festivals and will be presented in a local event in Bolzano which will take place in November.

Here the list of the graduates:

Maria Benedetta Boldrin
Giuseppe Crudele
Clara Delva
Antonio Di Biase
Erald Dika
Caterina Ferrari
Julie Iris Hössle
Linda Nyman
Thomas Saglia
Martin Telser

Tamara Diepold
Simone Endrizzi
Julian Giacomuzzi
Annachiara Gislimberti
Mark Modric
Mattia Ottaviani
Philipp Rubatscher
Marcus Zahn
Luca Zontini

Andrea Bertoldi

Emma Baruffaldi
Iain Thomas Beairsto
Aaron Beitz
Gabriella Cosmo
Claudia Gerstl
Giulia Micheli
Lorenzo Misia
Petra Pirandello
Nadja Werner


Luke Moody Leaves Sheffield Doc/Fest

In a very interesting article, written by Nick Bradshaw, in Sight & Sound, the head programmer of the Sheffield Doc/Fest Luke Moody reveals why he decided to leave the festival after 20 months as director of programming. Bradshaw writes about films shown in the programme films that are far away from the British television tradition, many films from Latin America…

Two years ago, on this site, in another interview, Moody explained what his vision was for the festival, link below. And now he says goodbye.

A couple of quotes from the article indicate why «… Such visions are hardly British broadcast television fare, and for Moody that’s reason to question the dominance on the Doc/Fest board of the British factual TV departments, who since the festival’s founding have increasingly retreated from international film co-production and turned to formatted entertainment. (The BFI also has one seat on the board; Moody counted it as an exception to his complaint.) “The only thing I hear from them is self-interest: ‘Where’s my commission?’,” he said when we met this year. “They’re not performing a job to take the festival forward and accept new partnerships or grow the festival, or support a programme that is progressive. They’re from a tradition that is a dinosaur – the likes of Netflix, Amazon, HBO and Hulu are far more progressive and will take their audiences…”

Quite som criticism… and he continues « … the day after the festival ended, Moody resigned from his role. “This festival needs to find a new vision and I’ve tried to bring that – for the programme to be international, and representative of a broader spectrum of what documentary and nonfiction can be,” he wrote to me. “But their anchor is the festival as it was 10, 20 years ago – putting forward colonial forms of filmmaking, annually offering and pressuring to include content only relevant to a domestic market and directed by white men over 40. The chimney needs sweeping before a fire can be lit…”

Colonial forms of filmmaking…!

Read the whole article, link below.



Jola Dylewska: Marek Edelman… and there was Love

in the Ghetto… made in cooperation with Andrzej Wajda and Agnieszka Holland

Marek Edelman (1919-2009): Holocaust survivor and the last leader of the Warsaw Ghetto. When being interviewed – close up of his face, smoking one cigarette after the other – he appears to be a grumpy old man apparently not liking all the questions, at the same time as he enjoys, and he does that very well, to talk about the women he knew, the couples he remembers. No talk about the horror in the ghetto, there was (also) love in the ghetto. That’s what Edelman wants to remember. There is a text at the end credits: “He always said: “It’s easy to hate, but love requires effort and dedication”.

It’s about Love in the Ghetto in a film that is built up in a very simple way: Edelman talking, b/w archive from the ghetto, love songs, and staged scenes mostly with no dialogue, love scenes, well made, mostly without dialogue, co-written by Holland and co-dramatised by Wajda.

It sounds schematic but it works, it is touching, there is a fine never bombastic editing from Edelman to the staged scenes to the strong archive photos from the ghetto. There is Tosia, the nurse, Dola the red-haired beauty, Pola who leaves her boyfriend to go with her mother to the Umschlagplatz, where the wagons were waiting for them.. as they were for the blond Hendusia Himelfarb, who could have been saved, Edelman said to her, but who chose to walk with the children from the sanatorium…

Umschlagplatz – Edelman stood there watching the crowds – thousands of people – passing by, waiting to see if some of his pals came that way. “What could you see in their eyes”, the director asks him,”Nothing, it was one big crowd passing me”.

It is painful for him to talk about it, he responds irritated and he refuses to say yes to the director, when she says that the wagons were going to the gas chambers. ”I don’t know”. He himself was working at the hospital, he had a card to show, so he was not deported. In a scene from the hospital white cards are distributed, a woman gets one but wants it to be passed on to her daughter…

There is a monument in Warsaw, where the Umschlagplatz was. You see it in the film. On the wall it is written: Between 1942 and 1943, more than 300,000 Jews from the ghetto that had been established in Warsaw went to the Nazi death camps along this path of suffering.

Poland, Germany, 2019, 80 mins.

Alexander Mihalkovich: My Granny from Mars

Yevpatoria, Crimea, Ukraine, occupied by Russia since 2014. A song from the film about the city:

“Here the sea gives me so much tenderness and love and health for years to come. Gardens and wonderful colors are all around, the joy of life is here to stay…”

And the film shows you, how attractive Yevpatoria is at the seaside, where the granny Zina lives, Ukrainian she is, being visited by Sasha, the director of the film, 30 years old – and by her children and grandchildren as well as neighbours and her sister, who all come to join the celebration of her 80th birthday.

Zina with her beautiful face, combing her hair… some fine sequences in what I

find the strongest conveyed layer in a film, that is built as a musical or at least is full of music: the layer with grandchild and granny, the love between them, her worry about his profession, about him not having found a partner in life, about… all the clichées which are not clichées but that´s how grannies are (I am on my way to be the same as a grandfather!), at least the caring and strong ones from the generation, who remembers the second WW and the fight for life afterwards. Zina remembers the airplanes from that war, now there is another war going on, where she as Ukrainian is surrounded by Russian orientated citizens. Isolated, wishing to move away, but “I have moved enough in my life”.

Zina has not been to a restaurant for 30 years, in the film she goes to one near the sea with the family to celebrate, she gets presents from the neighbour, who is in her 90’es, forgotten on that occasion are the discussions about politics. The framing is the musical, as the director calls it, when he takes a photo of granny and her son, who came for the celebration from Israel, where he lives. The daughter comes from Belarus as the director, whose first feature film this is.

Chapeau for the director to have chosen the many songs, several of them song by the old ladies in the film, to be a red thread of the narrative, it gives the film a poetic dimension, where it could have been far too easy and bombastic to go for the Ukrainian/Russian theme the whole way through. For me it is there, it is understandable.

I was, a year ago, at the Sarajevo Film festival part of a jury put together by the Jihlava Film Festival with Current Time TV as the sponsor. We gave (from 10 candidates) a shared main prize to “My Granny…” with this motivation:

“For a choice of charismatic protagonists, treated in a highly cinematic way, and for the sense of absurdity in a difficult and unstable environment.”

Long Live, I hope, a granny like Zina! A universal character.


Ukraine, Belarus, Estonia, 2018, 73 mins.

Photo: Granny to the right, her sister to the left.

IceDocs Iceland Documentary Film Festival/2

From FB I copy who were the winners of the new documentary festival in Iceland:

In our closing screening we didn’t only see a wonderful documentary, The Human Shelter (by Danish director Boris Bertram, ed.), but also gave awards to the winners of the festival. Here are the winners:

Shorts competition: All Inclusive (dir. Corina Schwingruber Ilić)
Mid-length competition: Haunted (dir. Christian Einshøj)
Main competition: Bruce Lee & the Outlaw (dir. Joost Vandebrug)
Mainland Special Mention: Honeyland (dir. Tamara Kotevska & Ljubo Stefanov)

Congratulations to all the winners – your films were simply stunning!

PHOTO from The Human Shelter, colleague Allan Berg reviewed it: http://www.filmkommentaren.dk/blog/blogpost/4223/ in Danish.

IceDocs Iceland Documentary Film Festival

This is how the organisers introduce the festival:

Welcome to IceDocs!

“The first ever edition of Iceland Documentary Film Festival takes place in Akranes on 17th-21st of July 2019. Our mission is to introduce quality documentaries to local audience and visitors alike as well as connecting filmmakers and industry people from all over the world. The event will take place in the small and quaint industry town of Akranes, just 45 minutes outside of Reykjavik.”

According to good friend, Italian Claudia Tosi, whose film “I Had a Dream” was in the program, the festival was (from FB) ”an amazing experience”, that ends today with many sections and according to the films being there absolutely ”quality documentaries”.

44 films, at the festival, the following have been reviewed/written about on this site:

Animus Animalis – http://www.filmkommentaren.dk/blog/blogpost/4476/

Aquarela – http://www.filmkommentaren.dk/blog/blogpost/4408/

Home Games – http://www.filmkommentaren.dk/blog/blogpost/4258/

Honeyland – http://www.filmkommentaren.dk/blog/blogpost/4449/ (Photo)

How Big is the Galaxy – http://www.filmkommentaren.dk/blog/blogpost/4523/

I Had a Dream – http://www.filmkommentaren.dk/blog/blogpost/4389/

In Praise of Nothing – http://www.filmkommentaren.dk/blog/blogpost/4102/


Artemio Benki: Solo/ 2

Via the FNE (FilmNewEurope) I find a good interview with the director of ”Solo”, the Czech/French director and producer Artemio Benki, who reflects on being a French, yet living in Czech Republic for quite some time, chosing a theme for his film taking place in Argentina. For me I am happy every time I see this great film, premiered in Cannes, being selected for a festival, next one in Prizren, DokuFest. Here is a clip from the interview, read it all, link below, and read the enthusiatic and personal review I made, link also below. And hopefully I will have the chance to meet the protagonist Martin one day… Here is a quote:

How much of the result were you able to predict before you started shooting?
I spent a month with Martin before I brought any cameras. I decided first I need to know him as a person. During this time, I created some expectations about his behavior in different situations. I still can’t read his mind but I can predict his actions to some extent as you might be able to with your lover after six months of living together. For example, when he plays before his first serious audience after long time, I couldn’t predict he would fall off his chair but I knew him enough to be prepared for some kind of a complication – I know him to be a clumsy, anxious person. In this sense, I was often surprised but surprised to a degree I was able to predict.

When you work with people who have mental issues, it brings some moral and ethical dilemmas for you as a filmmaker.
When I was kid, I had my own experience with mental health care so I was drawn to this topic for personal reasons. It’s never been something sensational for me. And I spent enough time with my characters that I saw them as “my people”, they were close to me. So I think I never really was afraid that I would treat them in an ethically questionable way – I trusted my sense of empathy. I mean, documentary filmmakers, in a way, always “use” their protagonists but I knew I wouldn’t cross the line. Of course, I explained to Martin and everyone else what my intentions were and I included them only once they felt comfortable. I also felt a big amount of responsibility because Martin trusted me a lot. Had I wanted to shoot him masturbating, he’d probably have let me. But why would I do that? What would it add to the film? I respect the truth of a character – and I don’t want to muck it up with some gratuitously shocking scenes.



Daniel Dencik: Kaptajnens Skygge

Fand´me godt, siger Jørgen Leth til sin cyklende digterkollega Christopher Juul Jensen i Daniel Denciks kortfilm, som kan ses på TV2 den 22. juli kl. 17.25. Juul Jensen har fået adgang til Jørgen Leth i dennes frokostpause og har læst et af sine digte op. Han skriver digte, den charmerende nu 30-årige rytter, som er hjælperytter, en taber som han siger – den position holder nu ikke filmen ud – og i øvrigt er han glad for at hjælpe og bliver sur hvis kaptajnerne ikke vil modtage hjælpen, reflekterer over det i sine fine samtaler med Dencik og i digtene –

i en film som i modsætning til filmen om Breschel er i balance, har et smukt billed-æstetisk flow, indeholder vidunderlige slow optagelser, nogle af dem fra Israel, hvor feltet bevæger sig langsomt gennem ørkenen, ren magi; der er klip fra familiens arkiv, som behændigt sættes sammen med optagelser fra løb; der er en tone som passer godt til Juul Jensen, som ligger nummer 140 i årets Tour, kørende for Mitchelton-Scott som hjælperytter for Adam Yates, der er på 7nde pladsen i classementet.

Juul Jensen har ikke fortalt sine holdkammerater at han digter, heller ikke at han godt kunne tænke sig at vinde en gang – men hvis man vinder, så kan det kun gå nedad, som han siger, hvorimod man kan altid blive en bedre hjælper. Jeg er lykkelig, siger han, jeg er sammen med verdenseliten i cykelsport. Jeg elsker mit arbejde. En klog fyr, en digter in spe?, lad os høre mere fra og om ham.

Filmen, fand´me godt gået af Dencik og hans hold.

Danmark, 2019, 25 mins.

TV2 den 22. juli kl. 17.25 og TV2Play.