Max Kestner: Slette omstændigheder

Et centralt nærbillede er fra en scene hos en grafolog. Er det et ”a” der på kortopmålingen? Hvad særligt er der i givet fald ved det ”a”? Jeg kan ikke svare, jeg kan ikke skrive om Max Kestners forunderligt vidunderlige film uden en spoiler sniger sig ind. Eller kan jeg? For hvilken undersøgelse foretages? Eller er det sådan, at flere undersøgelser overlapper hinanden? Er filmen en spændingsfilm, som jeg lægger væk, når jeg har fået vejret, eller er den et essay, som jeg stiller på reolen, så den gemmes nær mig, fordi de spørgsmål, det essay rejser, kaster flere af sig, flere spørgsmål, flere undersøgelser, yderligere læsninger?

Filmen vil så lykkeligt for folk i nærheden blive vist i biografen i Humlebæk 23. april, og jeg kan kun anbefale at sikre sig en billet, se link til bestilling længere nede, for det bliver en vigtig begivenhed, og instruktøren Max Kestner og produceren Henrik Veileborg vil være til stede og stå til ansvar, de ”har lavet en skøn, skør og skødesløs dokumentarfilm, skriver Humlebio i sit program, en film ”der tager afsæt i den mytiske Danmark-Ekspedition til Nordøstgrønland i 1906-08. Filmen følger en amatørhistoriker, der vil afdække sandheden bag den officielle forklaring der fortæller, at tre mand døde på ekspeditionen, men at man kun fandt liget af den ene. Det bliver en opdagelsesrejse rundt på statens arkiver, hvor det viser sig…” og nu er biografdirektøren også tæt at spoile – “at sandheden er en helt anden, end vores hovedperson i sin vildeste fantasi havde forestillet sig.”

Ved siden af detektivromanens story line, som er Kestners observerende kamera i hælene på historikeren, er der en løbende essayistisk fremstilling, som ligger i Kestners venligt distancerede, så smukt docerende fortællerstemme, som huskes fra tidligere film. Og tab nu ikke tråden fra begyndelsen og hør godt efter, for essayet indledes i titelsekvensen til et stort betagende natlandskab under stjernehimlen (STILL), hvor Kestners fortællerstemme indleder et foredrag om fraktaler og om gengivelse af virkeligheden fra landskabet over korttegning og landskabstegning til notatet og påpeger, at i alle disse optegnelser er der mulighed for falskneri, fejl og fejltolkning og efter denne roligt alvorlige besindighed og tæt på at spoile (men fortumlet af Nanna Frank Møllers underfundige klip opdager jeg det ikke) vælter Kestner og hans bårne kamera og hans film ind hos detektiv-historikeren Steffen Holberg, som så i den grad tager over som fortæller og holder min opmærksomhed i fast greb gennem forhindring efter forhindring den hele time akkompagneret af instruktørens kloge kommentarer og ved klipperens elegant musikalske greb styret ind i og ud gennem fysiske, personlige og tænkemæssige vanskeligheder. Det er en sært krævende og meget, meget spændende film.


Three Danish polar scientists tragically lost their lives during an expedition to North-Eastern Greenland from 1906-08. Only one of them was found. More than a hundred years later the mystery and tragedy still nags indomitable amateur historian Steffen Holberg, who is absolutely determined to solve it. With help from knowledgeable people, professional experts and state archives, he moves ever deeper into the rugged terrain between truth and myth, fiction and reality to find out what happened – if he can. Mylius-Erichsen, Høgh Hagen, and Jørgen Brønlund died in the wilderness, but the expedition’s search team only found Brønlund’s dead body and did not even look for the other two. But why not? In his poetic and imaginative signature style, Max Kestner pays tribute to Holberg’s curiosity and to the fundamental human desire to satisfy it. ‘Every time you move closer, new worlds appear,’ says Kestner about his own working method. That movement is performed with humour and grace in his new film. (CPH:DOX 2018 programme)

Max Kestner: Slette omstændigheder, Danmark 2018, 60 min. Manuskript: Max Kestner og Henrik Veileborg. Fotografi: Max Kestner. Klip: Nanna Frank Møller. Produktion: Upfront Films, producer: Henrik Veileborg. Distribution: Vistes på CPH:DOX 2018 og i DR.TV nogle dage. Vises nu i Humle Bio 23. april 19.00. (Billetter til forestillingen i Humlebæk 23. april 19.00 (Upfont Films om sin film) (DFI om filmen)

FilmHotel und FilmUni Konrad Wolf

I live for several days at the Hotel am Griebnitzsee, which is wonderfully situated – as the name indicates – and the last two day I have been breakfasting in the terrasse of the hotel. Frühling is hier – in Potsdam, where the hotel is full of film: old cameras, photos. I pass every morning ten photos of the one and only ”die Asta” (Nielsen), Danish film star, who was acting in many films in Germany (1881-1972) before WW1 and after up to the end of the thirties, where she returned to Denmark. The only true film star we ever have had in Denmark.

At the Film University I have met 10-15 (depending on the days) dedicated film students (camera and direction and one from animation). They have seen and discussed films like ”Cameraperson” by Kirsten Johnson and ”Wongar” by Andrijana Stojkovic. The latter was awarded the other day in Belgrade, I am happy to say that it worked fine with the young German students, who have also heard their teacher talk about Agnès Varda, Frederick Wiseman, Miroslav Janek, Kossakovsky, Loznitsa, Pennebaker, Robert Frank, Herz Frank, Juris Podnieks, Maysles… and many others. And pitching and market.

This third day, however, has been the day of student films to be shown and discussed. Have to say it has been both joy- and fruitful, open discussions and constructive criticism. Tomorrow is the last day, we are to see Stasik`s ”21 x New York” and wrap up trying to define what is a documentary today.

Thanks to Peter Badel and Daniel Abma, who got me here and have treated me so well.

PS. Forgot to say that Rahul Jain passed by yesterday to show his masterpiece ”Machines” in one of the big cinemas that the school has. Rahul is excellent in talking about his film and where the inspiration came from.

Baltic Frames i Aarhus

Det her skrives på dansk for vi skal have folk i Aarhus og omegn i biografen, hvor de skal se baltiske film. Det foregår i kunstbiografen Øst for Paradis og det er ifølge arrangøren Det Danske Kulturinstitut i de baltiske lande ”(en) perlerække af rørende, morsomme og dybsindige film”, som er valgt ud, (også) for at lykønske de baltiske lande med 100-årsjubilæet. Endnu et citat: “For 100 år siden, i 1918, kunne Estland, Letland og Litauen for første gang erklære sig selvstændige stater. Filmfestivalen Baltic Frames 2018 er en dansk markering af dette vigtige jubilæum for tre lande, der de seneste 100 år har gennemlevet radikale omvæltninger. Et konstant element i de tre landes udvikling har været fornemme filmtraditioner, der også helt aktuelt fostrer medrivende og nyskabende produktioner.”

Det er sandt, hvad såvel Allan Berg og jeg, redaktører af har erfaret siden vi mødte baltiske film på Bornholm for 25 år siden på festivalen Balticum Film & TV Festival. Efterfulgt af ture til de dejlige lande.

Festivalen Baltic Frames åbnes på fredag 6. april med en af verdens bedste

dokumentarfilm, “Ten Minutes Older” af Herz Frank – den varer ti minutter, blev lavet i 1978 – og er optakt til aftenens nye internationale cykelsport-hit, “Wonderful Losers. A Different World” af Arunas Matelis, en film og en instruktør som har fyldt vore spalter i de seneste uger.

To andre – meget forskellige – dokumentarer, som har gået deres sejrsgang verden over på festivaler er “Liberation Day” af Letten Ugis Olte, der sammen med norske Morten Traavik besøgte Nordkorea med legendariske kultband Laibach, som optræder foran et måbende publikum. Spektakulært og musik for fuldt drøn, med de begrænsninger der var for et besøg i Nordkorea. Den er på programmet lørdag 7. April – dagen efter vises Audrius Stonys “Woman and the Glacier”, et af hoverdværkerne i den poetiske dokumentar, som balterne er så gode til.

Hele programmet kan ses ved at klikke på linket nedenfor. Hvis du vil vide mere om de nævnte film, er der links tilgængelige, også nedenfor.

Herz Frank:

Wonderful Losers:

Liberation Day:

Audrius Stonys & Woman and Glacier:

Martovski Festival Awards Andrijana Stojkovic

Two days ago Martovski Festival = The March Festival, 65th edition = Belgrade Documentary and Short Film Festival gave the main award for Best Long Documentary to Andrijana Stojkovic for “Wongar”. If you click below you can read what I have written about this extraordinary film that had the director go to and fro the editing room for years. It was worthwhile and my hope is now that the film will have the festival life it deserves – and maybe one or two tv stations as well, if they dare celebrate a high quality creative documentary. Here is the English translation of the jury motivation:

Out of the thematically strong selection the jury decided to award the film that distinguished itself by its minimalism, modesty, wisdom, cinematic value and a purposeful and rounded film form. A film about a foreigner in a foreign country, who, after his life spent in recording and fighting for the voice and rights of those who are systematically abolished, is seen in the old age. Old age marked by attention and calmness devoted to the dingos with whom he lives, wild dogs in which he recognised and found his mysteriously missing family, wife and children.

By making a conscious decision the author Andrijana Stojković does not explain to us the film, does not impose an attitude and an opinion about her hero, does not use the medium as a platform to hold historical or moral lessons to the audience. The director decided only to show us – without external interventions – to hand us over the universe she deals with in the film. This she accomplishes with long, melancholic and static shots that carefully capture the details of that world, at the same time submerging us in its rhythm, rules and values.

Film History/ France

From Ukraine to Paris where the festival ”L’Europe autour de l’Europe” with a program of European films took place from March 14 till yesterday April 1. A celebration of the author film it is, the film d’auteur, with hommages to masters like the actor Jean-Pierre Léaud, born in 1944 with an early debut in 1959 in the legendary new wave film by Francois Truffaut, ”Les Quatre Cent Coups”; Antoine Doinel he is and we met him again in that role in several films by Truffaut, who is said to have seen Léaud as his alter ego. Léaud has played in films by Jean-Luc Godard and Jacquette Rivette – you remember the masterpiece ”La Maman et la Putain”? – and in the festival in Paris, he is in the latest film by Catalan director Albert Serra, ”La Mort de Louis XIV”.

The festival is run by Irena Bilic, it is the 13th edition of an impressive festival that runs in 13 different Parisian cinemas, including a couple of cultural institutes and an American university’s ”Arts Arena”, where I had the pleasure of presenting Danish Phie Ambo’s ”When You Look Away”, that was very well received by an educated audience of primarily Americans living in Paris.

Bilic also celebrated the Baltic cinema. Lithuanian Audrius Stonys had put together a program of films by Jaak Kilmi from Estonia, Viesturs Kairiss from Latvia, Arunas Matelis and himself from Lithuania.

I was not there but the organisers told me that it had been quite difficult to draw an audience to the Baltic films, as it was for the films in the Prix Sauvage competition, 8 fictions films and 1 documentary. I was in the jury with fine people like Polish Rafael Lewandowski and Bulgarian Ralitza Petrova. We gave the award to ”Colo”, a beautiful film by Portuguese Teresa Villaverde. Our jury motivation goes like this: « For the humanity and deepness with which it treats its subject matter and for the precision of its formal choices, while always remaining sincere, the Prix Sauvage goes to Colo by Teresa Villaverde. »

Film History/ Ukraine

Exciting it was to visit Dovzhenko Film Studios in Kiev, originating from 1927, carrying the name of Alexander Dovzhenko (1894-1956). And sad as well as the buildings stand alone (apart from a couple of sound studios and a fantastic store with props) and deserted – as I have experienced in other former Soviet republics, Latvia being one of them. But you can easily imagine the studio, that is like a small city in itself, with everything needed space-wise for big productions, flats for the important directors – and Dovzhenko was here.

Just to remind us, a text clip I googled:

”Along with Dziga Vertov, Sergei Eisenstein and Vsevolod Pudovkin, Alexander Dovzhenko is one of Soviet cinema’s early masters. Best known for his silent films, Zvenyhora (1928), Arsenal (1929) and Earth (1930), Dovzhenko holds a dominant place among avant-garde directors. It has generally not been recognized that Dovzhenko’s early canon was also an integral part of the Ukrainian cultural renaissance. This work looks at Alexander Dovzhenko’s Soviet Ukrainian trilogy in the light of the silent cinema’s early aesthetic and presents an analysis of the silent trilogy in the context of the Ukrainian Cultural Renaissance (1917-31)[2] and its dialogue with a wider modernist avant garde.”

The studio is today owned by the Ukraine state.

Photo taken by Roman Bondarchuk: Ellen Fonnesbech-Sandberg, Dar’ya Averchenko and me.

Civil Pitch Winners at Docudays

I had the privilege to moderate the final pitch session of the Civil Pitch at Docudays festival in Kiev Ukraine. 8 projects were presented to a panel of documentary producers, festival people and distributors. Projects which were quite young but pretty much alive and kicking. Read what Roman Bondarchuk from the festival rightfully said:

“It’s incredible that these projects didn’t even exist as recently as two weeks ago. That filmmakers and activists exist each in their own worlds and rarely cross paths,” says Bondarchuk, a member of the competition jury. “And it is also incredible that for me personally some topics presented by the participants were absolute discoveries, and they made me want to engage these topics myself. In the end, although we have selected only four projects as winners, all of them had a great opportunity to meet renowned professionals of the European film industry and receive consultations about their projects.

I can only agree with him and hope that the film projects, most of them aiming at 20-25 minutes, will be realized. 4 of them will be helped by start money, each of the winning projects will receive $5,500. The funds for producing these short documentaries are

provided by the USAID/ENGAGE activity, which is funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented by Pact in Ukraine.

And the winners are

1. ‘UFO RESCUE MISSION’ by the director Oleksiy Radynski and the activist Oleksandr Burlaka (#savekyivmodernism movement). UFO is a fantastic architectural building in Kiev, threatened by the plan to be “integrated” by a shopping mall…

2. ‘NO STATUS. UKRAINE’ by the director Dmytro Tiazhlov and activist Kateryna Babich (“No Borders” project). Three immigrants waiting for/hoping for asylum in Ukraine, helped by the “No Borders” people

3. ‘SHUT THE FUCK UP!’ by the director Taisiya Kutuzova and the activist Yelizaveta Sokurenko (NGO Human Rights Information Center). A 17 year old young man stands up against the local authorities and their corrupt actions.

4. ‘BEHIND THE KITCHEN DOOR’ by the director Yulia Kochetova-Nabozhniak and the activist Natalya Dorofeyeva (CO “UCO ‘Legalife Ukraine’”). Sex workers. PHOTO from the award ceremony.

Arunas Matelis – Class with a Master

Confession: I insisted to be the one to talk to Lithuanian Arunas Matelis in the class that the organisers of Docudays in Kiev had set up to celebrate the director and his work for the last 25 years with his short documentaries, his ”Before the Flight Back to the Earth” and the new one, ”Wonderful Losers”. As you can see from the photo he was also in the jury – one of them – of the festival, watching 6 Ukrainian feature documentaries and a short film program.

Insisting… as I have known Matelis since the beginning of the 1990’es where he with Audrius Stonys came to Bornholm to the Balticum Film & TV Festival as young talents impressing us all with their word-less visual poems, a word Matelis used at the class, where around 25 people attended – many more will have the chance to see what we talked about, when Docudays put the recorded talk online.

I put two short films into the program: ”Flight Over Lithuania” that he made with Stonys for an Expo Exhibition in 2000 and ”Ten minutes Before the Flight of Icarus” from 1990, a film that was shot just before the country, the beautiful country described in ”Flight Over…”, became independent.

Arunas Matelis is a man of reflection, a man who – now he does more than when I met him 25 years ago – does not like to talk about his films because words take away from the images, the visuals that he put so much emphasis on. I am in Paris now coming from Kiev this morning and I see with great pleasure that some of his films – as well some made by Audrius Stonys – are shown in the festival I attend, Festival des Films Autour de l’Europe. It is therefore more than appropiate to say that Arunas Matelis is un grand auteur. 

New Top Portraits

After a long time with three male directors, three female directors go to the top of the

Maite Alberti, Agnès Varda, Giedre Zickyte.

Maite Alberdi, Chilean director, is known for her warm-hearted films, to be mentioned ”Tea Time” from 2014 and ”The Grown-Ups” from 2016, many times awarded, both of them got the main award at DocsBarcelona. She co-directed in 2016 the short film ”I’m Not from Here”, a gem of a documentary, with, to the right

Giedre Zickyte from Lithuania, who made the beautiful love story ”Master and Tatyana” in 2014, introducing to us the superb photographer Vitas Luckus and his dramatic life in Soviet Lithuania. Before that, in 2011, she had made ”How We Played the Revolution” that goes back to 1984, the beginning of perestroika in the USSR, where the rock group Antis had an impact on the fall of the empire…

Agnès Varda is in the middle, 89 years old master of cinema, who needs no further introduction for her volume of short films, fiction and documentaries, the latest – together with photographer JR – ”Faces, Places”, full of energy and originality.

Docudays – TV and Documentaries

Angelina Kariakina from Hromadske (google it, interesting online channel) was the moderator and she did a good job, keeping the panel engaged:

Olga Zakharova from Media Group Ukraine that includes a big commercial tv channel, Ivan Bukreev from NLO TV channel, also a commercial channel and Kenan Aliyev from the Russian language TV channel (started in 2014) Current Time TV.

The questions for the three dealt with the possibility of matching the documentary film sector and its productions with television. The two Ukrainian channel representatives mentioned what they had done in terms of documentary broadcast, not a lot, but some series and the sentence ”our audience is not interested in documentaries” came back again and again; the audience go to our channel to get away from problems of social and political nature – words to that effect.

Whereas Kenan Aliyev told the audience that his channel buys into 100 documentaries per year, being an alternative to the official Russian tv channels, ”a project of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) in cooperation with the Voice of America” with a budget to be approved by the American Congress. We have to prove that we reach an audience, Aliyev said, being proud to say that the documentaries are more watched by his audience than the news.

Aliyev, based in Prague, has set up shorter documentary shows called ”Unknown Russia” and ”Unknown Ukraine”, and he has a slot called ”Real Cinema”, where Vitaly Manski presents the documentaries coming to the channel. The same Manski is now finishing a film, supported by Current Time TV, called ”Putin’s Witnesses” dealing with how Putin came to power. He showed a clip from the film and on the screen waiting to be shown as well, but there was no time for that, was ”Lida” (PHOTO) by Anna Eborn, bravo, a fine piece of creative documentary. I have met Aliyev several times now, in Riga for the Baltic Sea Docs, in Prague for the East Doc Platform and now here. He is very interested in collaboration with festivals. Good news in times where public broadcasters in Europe are cutting down, playing a minor role in support of documentaries.