Jørgen Leth on Docalliance

To be repeated:
You can watch 7 of Jørgen Leth’s films for free on the vod Docalliance (link below), a – too use one of the director’s favourite words – generous offer to film lovers all over to see ”A Sunday in Hell” (Paris-Roubaix race), ”Moments of Play”, ”Good and Evil”, ”Notes of Love”, ”66 Scenes from America”, ”Haiti Untitled” and ”The Perfect Human”. A small festival in itself with the usual high quality text intros from the Docalliance people. For free until November 25. A must for all film students! And cinéphiles of course!
To be added:
You are now also invited to watch Truls Lie 2012, director’s cut version of his “The Seduced Human”, 70 mins. long, reviewed on this blog by Allan Berg, in Danish. Here is the intro from DocAlliance:
“What is the meaning of a whole life lived as an observer? Danish filmmaker Jørgen Leth has lived in chaotic Haiti for 20 years. In 2010 the catastrophic earthquake changed his life. Was it a turn from aesthetics to ethics? This documentary follows Jørgen while he is making his last film Erotic Man in Haiti before the earthquake, all the way up to its premiere. Jørgen also looks back at his films made over 40 years – like The Perfect Human, Life in Denmark, Play, Notes on Love, Good and Evil, Haiti Express, 66 Scenes From America, and his work with Lars von Trier called Five Obstructions. But not least, this inquiry asks how an artist lives existentially with desire, doubt and despair – the three fundamental concepts in the philosophy of Søren Kierkegaard.”