Documentary Talents 2011

Whatever talk there is about financial crisis and difficulties in getting funding for creative, non-formatted documentaries, new talents enter the scene with their stories, visions and original and/or personal way of expressing themselves. Many others could have been mentioned, the 10 are films and people I have met in 2011. Except for one they are all from Europe but after having been in South America a couple of times, I have high expectations in films from that part of the world in 2012.
I will also draw your attention to the big international festival success of the diploma films 2010 from the documentary film school Zelig in Bolzano, that has sent out talented people, who now try to raise funding for the next work.
But here we go in alphabetical order, great films all of them:
Alina Rudnitskaya: This Day I will Forget, Russia, 25 mins.
Andrea Deaglio: Il Futuro del Mondo Passa da Qui, Italy, 63 mins.
Bram van Paesschen: Empire of Dust, Belgium, 77 mins.
Lou McLoughlan: Caring for Calum, Scotland, 24 mins.
Maria Fernanda Restrepo: With My Heart in Yambo. Ecuador, 135 mins.
Mila Turajlic: Cinema Komunisto, Serbia, 101 mins.
Mindaugas Survila: Field of Magic, Lithuania, 62 mins.
Pawel Kloc: Phnom Penh Lullaby, Poland, 98 mins.
Salome Jashi: Bahkmaro, Georgia, 58 mins. (photo)
Thierry Paladino: La Machina, France/Poland, 52/100 mins.