Scorcese to be Challenged by von Trier

Danish documentary master Jørgen Leth was challenged by his admirer von Trier in the very succesful film The Five Obstructions, that gave Leth a very well deserved international breakthrough outside the world documentary circles. Retrospectives of his work were arranged and von Trier also helped the promotion of Leth’s latest work, Erotic Man.

Martin Scorcese does not need the help of von Trier but it is quite fun that the playful Danish director seems to have convinced the playful American director to take part in another game of obstructions, which should take its start in Taxi Driver. According to the source below.

Information sælger dokumentarfilm

Seems to be prestige in documentary film sales in Denmark. Now the independent newspaper Information launches docs on their online shop. I swift to my mother tongue…

Det er nu en beskeden begyndelse, som dagbladet Information lancerer via sin online butik, men flere film end de 6 loves her i foråret. Og initiativet kan kun hilses velkomment, når nu én af denne blogs favoritter er blandt de tilbudte film, The Naked of Saint Petersburg af Ada Bligaard Søby, og en anden er lavet af showmanden og journalisten, Anders Lund Madsen. Helt Alene hedder den. Tag et kig på

Arab Documentaries Wanted

AFAC is the name, it is based in Beirut and “The Arab Fund for Arts and Culture (AFAC) is an independent Arab initiative established by local cultural lobbyists and a group of international donors in 2007. AFAC funds individuals and organizations in the fields of cinema, performing arts, literature, music and visual arts, while facilitating cultural exchange and cooperation across the Arab world and globally.”

It is active in the documentary field, and gives grants for documentarians. Deadline for applications has just been extended to May 30. Here is a text from the site of AFAC:

“Responding to the vast number of excellent cinema proposals received duringthe general open call, AFAC decided to establish an additional program for filmmaking. Documentaries are a very popular and accessible medium in the Arab world, allowing filmmakers to broach current issues as well as investigate the recent past. Partnering with a prestigious and experienced institution like the Sundance Documentary Institute provides both the expertise as well as an avenue to connect filmmakers with experienced producers and distributors.

In 2009, AFAC and the Sundance Documentary Institute designed a specific program that provides funding and consultation, networking and training opportunities for documentary filmmakers. Over 145 applicants from the region responded to the first call for proposals. A jury made up of leading regional and international figures selected the top fifteen applicants—both well-known and up-and-coming filmmakers from across the region—for their pertinent and original proposals.

During the next cycle, AFAC is hoping to see the program expand to become a launching pad for filmmakers, providing them with the financial and professional resources to create influential work that is globally recognized.”


I have written about and praised the DOX magazine a couple of times as the magazine for the creative (artistic, authored, call it what you want) documentary. But if you want to follow what happens in the more commercial sector of the documentary, call it non-fiction, you should take a subscription to the FREE daily email newsletter of the magazine realscreen. It gives a lot of good information, it contains very often small interviews with documentarians, it is quickly read. You could also take a (to be paid for) subscription for a print version of the magazine.

To give you an impression of what has been written about the last days: American documentary icon Ken Burns premieres a new tv series, Prohibition (photo), about the American attempt to ban alcohol in the 1920’es. Report from the HotDocs festival, including the forum for documentary projects. Tim Hetherington, killed in Libya, receives a tribute at HotDocs and Restrepo is being shown. Albert Maysles to be honoured at the Sheffield DocFest. New film from James Marsh (Man on Wire), Project Nim, the perfect case study for the nature versus nurture debate, with the story of a chimpanzee at the center of a 1970s experiment. A lot about what Discovery and National Geographic channels are up to, including quickly produced programmes on Bin Laden… check it out and subscribe if you find it useful.

Stefan Valdobrev: My Mate Manchester United

He lives in Bulgaria in Svishtov a town by the Danube. He is a building worker. And a fan. Of Manchester United. He orders a visit card that says “fan” as occupation and he wants to change his name to Manchester United Zdravkov Levidzho. The authorities do not agree with him, he takes it to court, he loses, but he keeps his identity as a fan, who friends and colleagues call  Manchester. His friend and the friend’s wife remember the glorious evening in 1999 where Manchester United went from 0-1 in the last minutes against Bayern München in an unbelievable finish in the final of Champion’s League (I also remember where I was… in a German airport waiting for a connecting flight) – the two were hugging each other on the floor, crying of joy, the wife thought they were having a fight!

Manchester is an emotional man and his big wish is to shake the hand of the number 9 of the current Manchester United team, the Bulgarian striker Berbatov, topscorer in the English Premier League. He succeeds in a much bigger scale that he had hoped for, and he wears the sweaty shirt of Berbatov for three weeks before it is being washed and added to the collection and the photos on the wall!

No Marin alias Manchester Zdravkov Levidzho is not a stupid man. The film proves the opposite. He carries his obsession in a way that needs to be respected, and he has good observations on life in Bulgaria today. In that way the film also offers something to the non-football fanatics like the one, who writes these lines, and who went from the screening for a dinner in a restaurant where the television screen was showing Manchester United in their second match against Schalke 04, easily won by the Reds (4-1), who will meet Barcelona in the final May 28. I know what Manchester and I will be doing that evening. Thanks for a fine, both entertaining and thoughtful football documentary! (See also the text about “Football is God”).

Bulgaria, 2011, 57 mins.

Balkan Documentary Center

For the second year the Balkan Documentary Center organises a workshop for 7 creative documentary projects from the region. During one week the participants met tutors like Aleksandar Manic (”The Shutka Book of Records”), Boris Mitic (”Goodbye, How are You”), DOKLeipzig festival director Claas Danielsen, ETMA director and former producer Paul Pauwels, web-documentary director Stefano Strocchi and myself, who gave an introduction to European documentary scene and commented on the projects participating. It is organised by Agitprop, the production company behind several internationally acknowledged productions like ”Georgi and the Butterflies” and ”Mosquito Problems and other Stories” (photo). Two more sessions follow, in Istanbul and in Kosovo. Here are some text clips from the site of BDC, one more fine training initiative supported by the EU MEDIA Programme:

The Balkan Documentary Center (BDC) is an initiative of the team behind AGITPROP production company. On the one hand, it is a virtual network and framework for support, our very own 0700-BALKANDOCU helpline. On the other, it is a brick-and-mortar actual house in downtown Sofia to be equipped with everything necessary to make this support technically possible, from research lab to production equipment and post facilities.

Our focus is catalyzing the creation and distribution of critical minded documentaries and social campaigns in the Balkans. We want to bring together the creative potential of filmmakers, journalists and media professionals with the resources of civil society institutions and businesses that are up for supporting documentaries. In the end, what we want is to bring the documentary scene of our region to international standards, still keeping the fresh ideas, originality and Balkan drive.

For this we have come up with three intertwined lines of activities: 1) Educational and institutional support, 2) Promoting debate and increasing the level of awareness, and 3) Foster networking and international collaboration.”

Yes, “agitprop” this is, an idea and practice!


I felt priviliged to attend the so-called demo screenings of the first 3 films under “the informal label “buldoc”. Arranged in connection with the first session of the Balkan Documentary Center, and created by Martichka Bozhilova from the documentary production company in Bulgaria, Agitprop, the programme was very well attended. The three films, all of fine quality, were “The Rules of Single Life”, a Finnish-Bulgarian coproduction by Tonislav Hristov, “My Mate Manchester United” by Stefan Valdobrev, and “Dad Made Dirty Movies” by Jordan Todorov. The following text is taken from the site of the brilliant promotion initiative, Buldoc, “a non-fiction kitchen!”:

“It is an unofficial truth that the contemporary documentary film has a leading position in determining the cinematographic aesthetics and cinema tendencies.  The organic relation of documentary cinema with television and Internet is another proof of its adaptability. Its potential in the new media world is yet to be determined and developed.  The “non-fiction” platform is the last island of the free, experimental and independent film expression. From the ashes of the “supermarket culture” rises the spirit of Flaherty and Dziga Vertov and making films turns into a moving adventure.

In times of crisis and post-communist transition the documentary cinema in Bulgaria is no longer crying for help. Beyond state institutions and regardless of the lack of dedicated state support, Bulgarian documentaries produced over the last decade are a proof of the new wave in Bulgarian non-fiction cinema.  We are a bunch of filmmakers active in making films, professing solely the

outstanding creative author’s approach. Our themes and inspiration come from the real life – no matter if they finally result in documentaries, fiction or experimental films. Therefore we decided to coin this multi-spectrum union as Buldoc – an informal label to spread our kind of movies. There are no rules, theme or style restrictions other than standing for high artistic standards and true reflection on reality.

The Buldoc logo will label films shown at cinemas, clubs, your neighbor’s backyard or alternative Web-based platforms. Buldoc will support also the international distribution of these films all over the world. In the next 5 years we will make and gather 20 films that struck, moved and inspired us to start the Buldoc label.  Buldoc will appear on the new films of Andrey Paounov, Boris Despodov, Valentin Valchev, Jordan Todorov, Svetoslav Stoyanov…  We use informally the name Buldoc with the kind permission of our colleague, documentary filmmaker Mr. Hristo Bakalski. 

Morten Henriksen: Bag Blixens maske

Det er et vildt projekt, et meget modigt foretagende. At åbne en film med i en omhyggeligt arrangeret troskyldighed at begynde en selvbiografi og så gøre den muntrere og muntrere, flere gange dobbeltbundet farligere og farligere og anbringe hele konstruktionen i en stor litterær sammenhæng og fuldende den i et kærlighedsindsigtens drama, som er alt andet end troskyldig og langt mere end en personlig eller blot privat erindring.

Alt andet og langt mere. Men hvad så? Nu bliver det svært. Et sted i Morten Henriksens spindelvæv af en film, klæbende og irriterende og overdådig smuk, inde i laget af samtale mellem søn og far, mellem filminstruktør og litterat spørger Morten Henriksen: “Betingelsen for samtalerne var, at jeg troede på det?” Og Aage Henriksen svarer: “Ja, at du gav det en mulighed… uden at reagere negativt og kritisk.” Kun i hengivelsen kan fortællingen blive til.

Filmen rammer og rummer dette usigelige, som vi skal give en mulighed. Hvad er det så? Vil man naturligvis spørge. Og der må svares, at det jo netop ikke kan siges, ikke kan skrives. Men i filmen findes det fanget ind og pakket i spindelvæv. Se selv efter! Og læs så bogen, for i den er vigtige dele af dialogen fastholdt til læsning om og om og dernæst videre i flere af litteratens og digterens bøger.

Personerne er altså filmens instruktør, Morten Henriksen og hans far, litteraten Aage Henriksen. Og selvfølgelig Aage Henriksen og Karen Blixen, litteraten og digteren, fremstillet dels af dem selv og dels af Ole Lemmeke og Birthe Neumann. Det danner en række fortællinger om afgørende relationer: sønnen og faderen, litteraten og digteren, Aage Henriksen og Karen Blixen og sammenvævede specielle og generelle temaer, familiehistorie, kunstvidenskab og kunsthistorie plus vigtige bidrag til skildringen af Blixen og især et stort og dybt fascinerende portræt af Aage Henriksen, fortsat skabende i feltet mellem videnskab og essay.  

Still: Lemmeke og Neumann som litteraten og digteren i et øjeblik af den 10 år lange samtale, som filmen undersøger på det underfundigste. Klogt og besindigt.

Morten Henriksen: Bag Blixens maske, Danmark 2011, 54 min. Filmen kan ses i fire biografer, i Aalborg, Aarhus, Odense og København.

Litt.: Morten Henriksen: Bag Blixens Maske, samtale med Aage Henriksen (2010), Aage Henriksen: Budbringersken, samlede essays om Karen Blixen (2008)

A Call from Syrian Filmmakers

Syrian human rights activists disappear… The statement below was originally issued as an online petition, but for safety reasons, this petition has now been closed down. Around 1000 film people from all over have signed. However, you can still show your support and solidarity by posting your message to the Syrian filmmakers on Facebook

‘To:  Filmmakers Everywhere

Peaceful Syrian citizens are being killed today for their demands of basic rights and liberties.

It is the same oppression and corruption that kept Syrians prisoners and swallowed their freedom, properties and lives for decades, that is assassinating their bodies and dreams today.

We, the undersigned Syrian filmmakers, believe that a reform which does not start with putting an end to security forces control over our people’s lives and bodies, and with closing an era of shameful political imprisonment for good, is not enough.

Hereby, we call on all filmmakers in the world to contribute to stopping the killing by exposing and denouncing it, and by announcing their solidarity with the Syrian people and with their dreams of justice, equality and freedom.’