Alexandru Solomon: Capitalism. Our Improved Formul

20 years after the change – in Romania after the end of the Ceaucescu regime. How would he, Ceaucescu, look upon/see his country today, if he came down from the skies? Solomon, experienced Romanian director, lets the dictator come back through the use of some archive material, come back to meet the new leaders of the country, businessmen and politicians, who made it from – for several of them – positions in the Securitate to the top. Very often with battles with Justice, accusations of money laundring, general corruption – in surroundings where commercials cover the houses of the streets in Bucharest and the People’s Palace is open for market economy events and the parliament.

Solomon’s film is an intelligent interpretative presentation of a reality that could go for many former Eastern European countries who got their freedom but is still pretty poor. It includes a fine piece of journalistic research – amazing that Solomon could get all these semi-criminals to take part, they must have known that he was there to promote them!? – combined with ”childish” animation sequences and funny camera placements and effects. Much more than a reportage or a investigative documentary, entertaining as well, playful.

Today you can’t be succesful unless you steal, as says one of the filthy rich Romanians in the film.

Romania, 76 mins., 2010

Hugues le Paige: The Prince

The director of this film used to be a strong and passionate commissioning editor at RTBF, the French language Belgian public broadcaster. He left when the channel decided to be less active in the commitment to the creative documentary. Le Paige wrote articles and a book about the overall decline of the public broadcasters involvement – as a colleague said to me some days ago: he predicted the crisis as it unfolds right now. For this blogger, in the early days of the EDN (European Documentary Network), it was always a pleasure to have le Paige in a pitching panel with his commitment and critical constructive encouragement to the filmmakers to fight on for quality against mainstream sensationalistic tabloid.

As this film shows, le Paige masters the personal reflection, in this case, on the relation between those who film and those who are being filmed. Who is in power, who is in control, and how is the power performed. le Paige goes back to the material he shot with Francois Mitterrand towards the end of his presidency. The President had given him carte blanche to film during meetings, when he was working at his desk, on visits to his childhood home or to the potential voters in the countryside. We observe the superb controller charmingly conveying what he wants to convey, at the first glance innocent and spontaneous, but you discover his fine way of manipulation, he knows exactly what kind of questions he wants to be put, he is very much conscious about his ”image”. What is seen is a very charismatic man who is in total control with the media.

le Paige wonders what he could say to ”find the truth” and still be free. You might say that the director is a bit naive in retrospect… but great it is to watch the charismatic Mitterrand explode in front of the camera and at the same time, as written, be in total, charming control.

Belgium, 2011, 52 mins.

Erika Hníkova: Matchmaking Mayor

It is not the first time a film about a village with unmarried singles is being made these years. Seems to be a trend! And as the Greek one (”Sugartown”) and the Serbian one (”Village Without Women”) this one from Czech Republic, taking place in Slovakia, is warm and sweet to experience. At the same time as it is describing a provincial community, where daughters often stay with their mums and sons with their mothers as well. The older generation claims that they would love to see their children married, at the same time as they want the grown-up kids to stay at home, simply for their own sake, to avoid loneliness. The mayor, a former general, does what he can, but is not very succesful neither with his attempt to matchmake through a party planned for months, nor with his speeches that reaches the population via loudspeakers on every street corner.  

The director’s voice is heard, when she goes around to make first hand research. She asks questions on our behalf, she enjoys the confidence of the characters and gets good material to bring home. Something happens to the characters during the film, we get closer to them, but real close, no, there are still a natural lot of shyness when it comes to Love. And there should be, this blogger thinks. Zemplinske Hamre is the name of the village, probably the one and only time you hear about it!

80 mins., Czech Republic & Slovak Republic.

Nahid Sarvestani: The Queen and I

Ja, selv om jeg var ved at segne af træthed hang jeg på. Jeg havde jo regnet ud, hvordan det ville udvikle sig mellem de to kvinder… (jeg kunne have læst det på Dokumanias hjemmeside ser jeg nu bagefter), men det var på en eller anden måde helt ok med den forudsigelighed. På en eller anden måde…

Det er en god film, den vokser og vokser, begge karakterer vokser og vokser, bliver mere og mere interessante, og vel at mærke i en konstant balance. De fylder lige meget, både i billedet og i historien, som viser sig ikke at være to, men én fortælling, elegant og nænsomt vævet sammen af Farah Pahlavis og Nahid Sarvestanis biografier, deres synspunkter og refleksioner.

Farah Pahlavi har senere bemærket, at det ville have været bedre for filmen, hvis hun også som Sarvestani havde indre monologer off-screen. Skarpt! Hun har fuldstændig ret. Balancen i værket er så vigtig, og dette er en ubalance…  

Filmen kan nu og formodentlig nogle dage ses på Dokumanias hjemmeside.

Jordan Todorov: Dad Made Dirty Movies

His name was originally Stephen Apostolof, but having fled communist Bulgaria, entering the American Film Dream factory, Hollywood, he changed to an artist name, A.C. Stephen, which is not and will not become a big name in film history, apart from being a part of the sexploitation period, the softcore one before the hard core ”Deep Throat”, a short period that also included Ed Wood, the man who always gets the credit for having made the world’s worst movie… maybe that nomination should have gone to A.C. Stephen for his ”Orgy of the Dead”, where half naked women were dancing on the graves of the dead, swinging their breasts around while also trying to make original ballet steps! Quite something!

The story about A.C. is told by critics and professionals who worked with him, and first and foremost his children and last (out of 3) wives, with numerous clips from the kitsch films, quite entertainingly made and fun to watch because of its quick editing and the many anecdotes connected to the one and only A.C. Stephen, whose career suffered a lot in his last years when there was no more space for the soft pornography.

The filmmaker makes the youngest kid of A.C. take the ashes of his father – kept in a cigar humidor (!), a very appropiate reference to film producing and film producers in Hollywood with big cigars in mouth – into a car to drive him to be buried at a proper place for a man, who made the American dream come through and then fell from the heights.

Bulgaria, 2011, 58 mins.

Andrea Deaglio: Il futuro del mondo passa da qui/3

On this site we have been writing about this film a couple of times. It came out of the European training programme called DocuRegio, where I met it, and I was surprised that the festivals in Leipzig and Amsterdam did not pick the film. French Cinema du Réel did and Saturday night the film got its first recognition, the Joris Ivens Prize for Best First film. Very deserved. Here is a repeat of the review that I wrote in August last year:

… the subtitle being ”city veins”. I wrote about it in June and promised to come back with a review when the film was finished. Which is now.

Angelo, Roky, Frida, Reno, Darius, Gerardo, Jasmina… names of people, who have that in common that they are characters in a film that as location has the  outskirts of Torino, where they all live outside normal urban society trying to survive. For a limited time as the area will be turned into a golf and similar kind of recreation centre, as well as it will be object to making transport out of the city easier through new roads etc.

From this description you might expect a political correct activist film like many others – it is not. On the contrary, the focus is the human. Deaglio and his cameramen follow the individuals in their daily activities: Roky gets up, goes to the lake to get washed, goes to get some drinking water… Frida goes to the drug meeting point… Reno cooks and finishes his van Gogh painting. Washing of hair. Repairing a bicycle. Doing nothing.

The images are stunning. Making the area look beautiful. They come as tableaux, chaptering the characters stories which in words are told by themselves through audio on black images. As I don’t understand Italian, for me the words appear subtitled on black with no ”disturbing” images. Which makes the effect very strong – precise small stories of situations they have experienced, facts accompnied by emotions. The director has no intention to sentimentalise or romanticize – I sense an honest, truthful and distant view, and this is why you stay linked to the screen where you also get many interesting and surprising camera angles. In other words – welcome to a non-mainstream documentary film talent.

Francois Truffaut: Kvinden overfor

TDC har forsynet mig med en sort boks, som kan gemme filmene fra gamle dage, som DR K denne tid sender i gedigne serier. Det betyder gensyn efter årtier og derefter gensyn på gensyn af værker, som ellers kun havde plads i bøgerne og så i erindringen fra den ene gang i biografen dengang. Gensyn som nu i DR K’s vigtige Truffaut kavalkade Kvinden overfor fra 1981. Det er altså en stor kærlighedsfilm. Og den handler slet ikke om Bernard Coudray og Mathilde Bauchard, den handler om Gérard Depardieu og Fanny Ardant. Og den handler ikke om Gérard Depardieu og Fanny Ardant, for det handler da om Francois Truffaut og netop Fanny Ardant, men da jeg så den dengang, handlede det selvfølgelig om hende ved siden af. Og når hun ser filmen nu, handler den om? Naturligvis om Bernard Coudray og Mathilde Bauchard, for hun ved siden af elsker historier. Men hvad sker mon under fortællingen? Det er jo så vidunderligt med film, som aldrig er dengang, for det jo er umuligt, og som sjældent er historier kun, for de er jo for levende virkelighed lige nu og her. Hvad er under disse omstændigheder den virkelige historie? Jeg genlæser i eftersøgningen af et svar et smukt essay om Truffaut og finder der en konklusion: Kærlighed er ikke koldere end døden. Kærlighed er varmere end livet.

DR K genudsender Kvinden overfor i aften 23:25 og 8. april 16:45

Peter Greenaway: The Baby of Mâcon

Jeg sad i aftes foran tv-apparatet og så en dvd med Greenaways The Baby of Mâcon, og filmen tumler omkring i mig endnu, vil ikke slippe. Så klog til det lærde, så voldsom til det vilde, så smuk til det åndeløse, så grusom til det forfærdende. Og netop der distancen: det er skuespillere som fremstiller deres frygteligste side. Plus fremstiller deres åndeløst smukke og deres vildt voldsomme side. Plus fremsiger den mest kloge lærdom, vist nok af og til i shakespeareske blankvers. Og så nu her i aften indser jeg sidst af alle filmens tilskuere gennem 18 år, at Greenaway dengang i 1993 ved brechtske greb lavede en dokumentarfilm om et hold skuespillere og hundreder statister i gang med på deres teater at holde generalprøve (er det måske) på et stykke skrevet som en alternativ julenatsmesse med frygtindgydende følger i en stor kirke i 1700-tallets Mâcon. Så er det på plads. Men nu tænker jeg så kun på, hvad der egentlig er (var) karismatiske Julie Ormonds projekt, dette eksistensens ultimative? Og hvad var Greenaways bag glæden ved barokkens udfoldelser i arkitektur, maleri og musik? Plus altså Shakespeare, som var så forud? Der er samlingerne til ham og os andre. Jeg har rent praktisk blot benyttet mig af mit biblioteks og’s generøse tilbud om at låne mig mig dvd-kopier af mange, mange af Peter Greenaways film. Så jeg kan indhente lidt af alt det, jeg ikke nåede at opfatte dengang tiden var deres. Nu må jeg finde ud af: hvad var det egentlig hun ville? Og hvor omfattende er Greenaways værk? Rækker det langt ind i det, vi omgærder og kalder dokumentarisme?

Link til søgningen på

Pawel Lozinski: Inventory

It is almost as minimalistic as it can be, this 9 minutes long documentary by Polish Pawel Lozinski, who goes directly in medias res to convey faces and hands, that lift a stone in a forest to start cleaning it so the inscription can be read. Which contains a poem and a name, a tombstone it is, and as a text the information is given that ”the Registers of the Jewish Cemetary in Warsaw was burned during WW II and that 200.000 names have not as yet been recovered”. That’s all, think for yourself when you have finished this very short, as always with Lozinski, aesthetically perfect journey into a moment of tension.

Poland, 9 mins., 2010.

Orian Barki: Shooting Days

It is a graduation film from a film school, The Sam Spiegel in Jerusalem, it is strictly personal, it is filmed by the young woman, who is the main character of the film, it is very private, and yet it is also personal and universal, because it is so well made, both light in tone and style, and because Orion Barki is like a character in a Eric Rohmer film, une demoiselle, who goes to the beach with her dog, to the disco with her friends, talking with them about sex (”I think that I am the only virgin student at the film school”) and about male relationships, she gets one, it was not good, she has another orientation, she rides her bike in the streets, she buries her dead dog, she is enthusiastic about being in the snow, she has to phone her father to tell, there is this sense for the detail and for the-not-important, which turns out to be important, she finds someone, a girl, for whom she dances like Anna Karina did for Jean-Luc Godard in ”Vivre sa Vie”. Big talent, I met her in Tel Aviv, she wants to make a sequel, please do!

The film is from 2007, plays 26 mins. and has been broadcast by Israeli channel YesDocu.