Århus Filmfestival 1/CPH:DOX 11

Nu kan vi der bor vestligere selv se efter, er Ari Folmans Waltz with Bashir vildt flot,men kold og tom? Kollega Tue Steen Müller gik frustreret fra visningen i København læser vi lige nedenfor. Og har den erfarne mand dårlige fornemmelser med det kunstneriske under det fremragende håndværk – ja, så er der noget at kigge efter, ved jeg. Nu har vi de to flotte stills for os – vi må bestemt ind og finde ud af det med den film. Frustreres med forberedelse eller spontant væltes, måske.. Den vises i Øst for Paradis på lørdag 19:00

Århus Filmfestival, som de kommende dage sekunderer CPH:DOX med vigtige og fremragende dokumentarfilm valgt efter en ny skarp profil, har også en lille afdeling på tre film, som den københavnske festival har valgt til dem. Så filmene supplerer det de vil i Århus med dokumentarfilmsektionen.


Ari Folman: Waltz with Bashir/CPH:DOX 10

I have been thinking a lot – why does this film not involve me? Why do I stay in a careless mood? I had high expectations, I had read about it, seen the overall praise it has got and I know that audiences have queued to buy cinema tickets. And I see that the state of Israel wants the film to be the country’s Oscar award contribution!

Is it because it is an animation film based on real conversations between the director and his fellow soldier comrades from way back when they went to the Beirut hell that ended up in the massacre on civilians in Sabra and Shatila. A story about memories. That for some of them have turned into traumas.

It is all so well made, perfect craftmanship, it is beautiful to watch, it is packed with emotional music, full of effects, sometimes as an action film… and yet, or maybe therefore, I dont care about their stories. The superbly manufactured animation makes an emotional blockade until the last couple of minutes where the director leaves the animation and invites us to watch horrible archive images of the mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers and children in deep shock and screaming grief over a massacre observed and thus accepted by Sharon and his soldiers. I have seen these sequences before. This is the story about Sabra and Shatila.


Hammarberg m. fl.: Maggie../CPH:DOX 9

Hammarsberg, Bergmark & Andersson: “Maggie In Wonderland”. Andersson is Maggie, credited as co-director in this moving documentary about herself, a Kenyan woman, who lives in Malmö on the 15th floor with a balcony full of pigeons.

“It’s me telling you about my life”, Maggie says behind the camera when she points around in her flat that has the look of loneliness and trouble. How did she end up in Sweden – this is not told, what we get to know, we get from the scenes with Maggie behind the camera, or Maggie followed and observed by a cameraperson. She tells us that she suffers from not seeing her son, who is in Kenya. She tells us that she was with a man in this appartment, he was violent and got out. We see her in conversation with a not very understanding school teacher who tells her to stop school because she missed too many lessons. And in a late night street scene, she films while being attacked by someone. She repeats several times that many take her, a black woman, for a prostitute.

It is a film that goes in many directions and I cannot help asking if she has not been offered psychological help. I dont want to think the Swedish public system is so bad that nothing has been done to get out of the trauma. The film indicates nothing of that sort… The ending shows Maggie cleaning up, ready for a new start, a new year. Wishful thinking from the filmmakers side?

Sweden, 2008, 72 mins.


Andreas Johnsen: Natasja/CPH:DOX 8

Have to confess that I had never heard about Natasja before her death in a car accident on Jamaica summer 2007. 60+ was not her target group! But this fine documentary, that avoids to take the sentimental approach and thus succeeds in giving me proof of and reason for her artistic skills and popularity –  shows her enormous energy and appetite for Life. She was made for camera appearance as the many recordings by her friend Karen Mukupa demonstrate.

The film jumps back and forth from Denmark to Jamaica, no chronology, nothing exotic about Reggae-land, it is mostly her directly addressing the camera or an audience with her music and lyrics, written by herself. High quality all over. What a loss of a winner, who by the way was also a master jockey on a horseback.

Denmark, 2008, 60 mins.


Nanna Frank Møller: Let’s Be Together/CPH:DOX 7

That Nanna Frank Møller is an excellent editor has been proved many times, primarily in her collaboration with Danish director Max Kestner. That she has a talent for directing herself became obvious with the film about the circus sisters, ”Someone Like You”. Here she is with another proof: a film about 14 year old Hairon, who has Brasilian parents but lives in Denmark with his mother and her Danish husband, one more dad for Hairon.

”Let´s Be Together”, however, is the story about son and (Brasilian) dad, told in an intimate and gentle film language, full of respect for the drama that lies in a teenager, who loves to dress like girls and women do.

Hairon wants to be Cleopatra for his birthday and this forms the structural frame of the film. Mother and Hairon go to Brasil to see Brasilian father and to have the Cleopatra costume prepared. Strong conversations are unfolded, interpreted brilliantly in rythm and music and in an editing that have wonderful pauses that are full of information and emotion. ”You must know to control your life a bit”, the father says in one of the many scenes with the two together. Would be wrong of me to reveal the end scene of the film, it is so fine and impressive and well thought and performed by a big talent in new Danish documentary.

Denmark, 2008, 82 mins.


Darlings/CPH:DOX 6

Nu har festivalens medarbejdere offentliggjort deres personlige top 10 blandt festivalens film. Jamen så laver jeg da også min helt egen ønskeseddel, som består af gensyn og titler, som jeg ikke kender, bare har lyst til eller brug for (hvis det ikke er det samme?)

Black Heart (jeg MÅ se det smukke, smukke super8 fotografi på stort lærred)

Letter to Anna (jeg går fuldstændig i stå, når jeg tænker på den kvinde)

27 Scenes About Jørgen Leth (titlen er krukket, men Leth fylder nok filmen, og han er det ALDRIG)

Z32 (det siger sig selv, læs blot her på siden, hvad Tue Steen Müller har skrevet)

Citizen Havel (jeg er stille, når jeg tænker på den mand)

De vilde hjerter (Noers Vesterbro er en smuk erindring, nu er her så næste film)

Jesus Christ Saviour (den vildt berømte forestilling håber jeg finde i en eller anden videobar, det er jo i dag sidste dag..)

Encounters at the End of the World (den når jeg i hvert fald med Kinski og grislybjørnen og den ultimative poetik i tanken)

Fragments of Conversations with Jean-Luc Godard (Posthus Teatret især, men da også Grand er et fint sted at sidde og overvære disse samtaler, som næppe udgør en film, men det er jeg så ligeglad med..)

Les plages d’Agnès (selvfølgelig.. ren forelskelse)


Janus Metz:Fra Thy til Thailand/CPH:DOX 5

Hen mod første films (Fra Thailand til Thy) slutning forstår jeg, at det på det formelle plan er et etnografisk projekt, et case study. Om det omhyggeligt arrangerede ægteskab. Men fortællingen inden i dette stykke videnskabeligt feltarbejde hentes omhyggeligt frem af klipperen Marion Tour, og den vokser i intensitet i overensstemt takt med følelsernes forvandling hos de to. Det bliver bare smukkere og smukkere. Og selvfølgelig rives jeg med… Titlen på dokumentarfilmen er da også inde i mit hoved Historien om da Kae fik Kjeld… Læse mere:

http://www.filmupdate.dk/?p=2710 (præsentationsartikel i FILM’s Amsterdamnummer)

In English: Toward the end of the first film, I realise that, formally, this is an ethnographic project, a case study of carefully arranged marriages. But inside this piece of scientific fieldwork, Mette Esmark, the editor, delicately teases out a story that grows in intensity as the couple’s feelings change. It simply keeps getting more beautiful. And of course, I’m riveted, the documentary’s title nudging my mind, The Story of How Kae Met Kjeld… Read more:


(From: FILM # 64, nov. 08, Danish Film Institute)

Janus Metz: Fra Thy til Thailand, 2008. Produktion: Cosmo Doc http://www.cosmo.dk/ Filmen vises på CPH:DOX 11. november 13:30 ved et seminar om journalistik i Cinemateket. Den har premiere i Grand 12. november 21:30.  

Gulddok 2008/CPH:DOX 4

Danish Producers Association distributed documentary prizes at the opening of CPH:DOX 2008. 3 films took the five prizes. All three films have been reviewed at filmkommentaren.dk In Danish. All three films have very local themes.

Årets GuldDok/Grand Prix
Instruktør Ulla Boyes “Kun med hjertet”, der handler om hverdagen på Kofoeds Skole i København.
Koncern TV- og Filmproduktion

Bedste lange dokumentar/Best feature length doc
Instruktør Mads Kamp Thulstrup og Carsten Søsted “…Og det var Danmark!”, filmen om det danske landsholds udvikling fra 70’erne til EM-triumfen i 1992 .
SF Film Production

Bedste korte dokumentar/Best short doc
Instruktør Janus Metz “Fra Thailand til Thy”, om thailandske kvinder, der søger lykken i det nordlige Danmark. Research: Sine Plambech
Cosmo Doc

Bedste foto/Best Camerawork
Lars Skree og Henrik Bohn Ipsen for “Fra Thailand til Thy”.

Bedste klip/Best montage
Janus Billeskov Jansen, Stig Bilde og Mette Esmark for “Kun med hjertet”.

Foto: Ulla Boye, som har instrueret grand prix gulddokumentarfilmen

Ari Folman: Waltz With Bashir/CPH:DOX 3

If you like me are waiting with great expectations on one of the most talked about and praised documentaries from this year, since the premiere at the Cannes Film Festival, the Israeli film Waltz With Bashir, you can warm up with a radio interview from the Guardian Film Weekly.

This animated documentary covers the 1982 massacre of three thousand Palestinians by Christian militia in Beirut.

And why not visit the site of the film (or YouTube) to watch some trailers before the screening at CPH:DOX.



In the previous text you can find a review of one of the many documentaries, the one about Patti Smith, that Copenhagen offers its documentary audience from Friday November 7-16. We will follow the amazing festival  programme with reviews, reports and notes.

Several of the films have already been written about or reviewed on filmkommentaren.dk Go to the box “søg” and write the title of the films if you wish to have our opinion. Here are the films listed randomly:

Everything is Relative. Citizen Havel. Dolls. Gonzo. Man on Wire. Standard Operating Procedure. Stranded. Z32. The English Surgeon. Black Heart. Solange on Love.

And here is a clip from the site of CPH:DOX, in their own words:

“CPH:DOX, Copenhagen International Documentary Film Festival, is the largest documentary film festival in Scandinavia. Each year the festival fills the Copenhagen cinemas with a selection of more than 150 documentary films from around the world. During the ten festival days, CPH:DOX also presents five whole days of professional seminars and provides an international forum and meeting place with the newly founded DOX:FORUM. Acknowledging the rapidly growing interest in documentary film, CPH:DOX was founded in 2003 as an off-spring of Natfilm Festivalen, the biggest film festival in Copenhagen. Supported by film professionals as well as the national press, CPH:DOX grew from 14.000 admissions in its first year to an impressive 26.000 in 2007. In 2008 CPH:DOX runs from 7-16 Nov.”


Still: Z32