Gensyn: Livet vil leves

Denne maj måned bringer Dox On Wheels Jon Bang Carlsens nye film Purety Beats Everything til en række byer til biografvisninger, hvor han selv er der, nogle gange i samtale med en åndsbeslægtet. Det erindringsbaserede filmværk bringes håndfast i forbindelse med den konkrete auteur, biografisk og moralsk. Og en del nyfigent som det er så VIGTIGT nu.

Mens jeg venter, gennemser jeg, hvad jeg kan få fat i på mit bibliotek, og det viser sig at det som fjernlån fra Herning Centralbibliotek er muligt at låne en VHS af Livet vil leves fra 1993.

En mor skriver breve til sin voksne søn, som er på rejse i USA. Sønnen skriver sine refleksioner, i dagbogen vel. De to tekster læses på lydsiden af to skuespillere. Billedsiden er dels landskabsoptagelser fra rejsen på prærien og i ørkenen, dels landskabsoptagelser fra Bovbjergegnen, hjemegnen siges det. Axel Schiøtz synger en arie fra Messias. Det er det.

Og det bliver til en åndeløst dybt åndende film på næsten 50 minutter. Som jeg – indser jeg nu – i detaljer husker fra premieren for 15 år siden. En film, som ikke har rokket sig det mindste siden. Den er så ny og inderligt vedkommende som dengang.

Jeg tror den er god at se, mens vi (herude) venter på filmbussen. 

Jon Bang Carlsen: Livet vil leves, 1993. Mesterligt fotograferet af Alexander Gruszynski, Mikael Salomon og Henrik Jungdahl. Vidunderligt kongenialt klippet af Grethe Møldrup. DFI har kun en 35 mm kopi, men bibliotekerne (i hvert fald Herning Centralbibliotek) har heldigvis gemt VHS kopier.

Peteris Krilovs: Deconstruction of an Artist

Tuesday evening May 6, Riga, the old fine cinema in the middle of the city.

I am invited to the premiere of a film, that I have had the privilege to follow for a couple of years. The director Peteris Krilovs and his producer Uldis Cekulis attended two MEDIA Training Programmes that I was involved in: Ex Oriente and Archidoc, and NOW was the moment to present the great, well crafted and well told story about the artist Gustavs Klucis, who was part of the Russian avant garde movement, served the Stalin propaganda machine and ended as a victim of the same regime. One day they came to get him…

The film has everything: wonderful archive footage, brilliant and playful sequences where the film team (including young Danish editor talent Julia Vinten) deconstructs the work of Klucis, makes small films ”within” the film and puts it together again, thus demonstrating his actuality for modern design. There is a very moving sound track with letters from his wife, with the director’s own fine text and some gently performed reconstruction scenes, an effectful accompagnement to the deconstructed photomontages and powerful music.

The version I saw in the full cinema was the local one – Russian and Latvian language – feature duration, the English version is to be made now, as are the tv versions. History, art, an interpretation of a period and a flamboyant artist. A search for a cinematic language and a dynamic that could  have been the one that Klucis would have chosen had he been a filmmaker.

I had decided not to review the film, I am biased, but anyway my entusiasm is evident: all you festival and tv people out there, watch out for this film, it has a big audience potential, far beyond the happy few who are in the art circle.

Thanks for the invitation to my dear friend, the MEDIA Desk Latvia, wonderful Lelda Ozola, who not only gave me the chance to be at a premiere but also through meetings to be updated on the Latvian documentary scene that I have followed since 1990, thanks to the Baltic Film/TV Festival and Baltic Media Centre on Bornholm.

and if you are near den Haag in Holland, there is an exhibition of Klucis works:  

Gonzalo Arijon: Stranded

I don’t need to write a lot about this film, do I? The winner of IDFA 2007, screened and awarded at an enormous amount of festivals, broadcast all over, including in Denmark. A well constructed dramatic story with a wonderful panel of survivors from the air crash in the Andes in 1972. Good tellers they are and…

… what I wanted to draw your attention to, first of all, is the way the film reconstructs. In a non-bombastic sketchy manner, where the right balance is found and the facial similarities to the found archive photos of survivors are quite obvious.

The second potential inspiration for filmmaking colleagues could be the talking faces that certainly have been and still is subject to general discussions about to use or not to use. Look at the middle aged men and hear them talk naturally and not only in one sentence lines. There are many characters but we get to know them because we are invited to watch their interesting facial expressions.

I still think the film is too long and gründlich but the story is fantastic and the craft skills of the Uruguayan and Argentinian film makers are admirable.

France, 2007, 127 mins. (about the film at IDFA 2007) (dvd version with English subtitles can be bought via this site, around 20€)

Stefan Schwietert: Heimatklänge

This music documentary film is about Swiss music – the famous and for many, including me, unbearable yodel – and Swiss artists who have developed their music from the yodel into a great innovative and fascinating rythmic play with the voice. It has been released in Swiss cinemas and very right so, as it has a uniquely built visual structure that makes the three artists stand out on their own and at the same time comment each other’s achievements.

Erika Stucky is the funniest of the three, a woman who went to the US and became a performer of extraordinary power and charisma. Her family has a big film archive of super 8 film which is convincingly used in the narrative, including scenes with her, who as a child always wanted to be a hullahulla dancer. This wish was not well received in the Swiss schools!

The film has a light tone and the director is not afraid to play with the landscape and bring out the artists to express themselves in a mountain scenography. One – Christian Z. – even goes to Mongolia to meet with colleagues who also do overtone voive mastering.

How does Switzerland sound? This is what the film is about, entertainingly it is done, with a lot of information given in a spirit of joy and playfulness.

Switzerland, 2007, 81 mins.

Muntean & Stankovic: Journey of a Red Fridge

What a darling! Very simple idea, charming main character, a film for all ages about a young student, who earns his money as a porter, and carries a coca cola fridge up the mountain to a place where it can be repaired. He meets people on his way, he talks to them, and thus we get to know about the living conditions in this far away Nepalese mountain area.

”The tourists always take photos of us but they never send them”, and old man says to the film crew. And this is just one of the many fine situations caught by the young Serbian film team, who get so much – probably – because they are considered to be tourists.

The film has the goal to point at the situation for 60.000 porters in this small country – and it does so in an unconventional, light tone. A creative and very promising documentary for the young Serbian team. And chapeau for Iikka Vehkalahti YLE who has supported the film project that he met during the Esodoc Training programme.

Serbia, 2007, 52 mins.

Remy Tezier: Au delá des Cimes

Catherine Destivelle is the name and after numerous films (at the Trento Film Festival) about people dying in the mountains, and about heroes who save people, or fight the mountains – it was such a relief to meet a female alpinist, a charming person, smilingly taking her sister and a friend up and up and up, in sunshine, for a picnic, while you hear their conversation on the way, and while you watch the most beautiful shot images of her routes, plus some archives, plus some interviews.

Alpinism can be a Pleasure!  And alpinist films can convey presence in the good old observational style. An informational film it is as well, with narration, not too much (a French actor narrates, not a good choice) 

She is a winner but behaves with modesty always with a lowered voice and a non-competitive esprit .

The sweet ending – also without any drama – is a trip up with two older male friends, on the same route where she years ago fell 35 meters down.

France, 2008, 75 mins.

Jiska Rickels: 4 Elements

Normally you say that something must be wrong if you leave the cinema to say that the cinematography was excellent, but the rest of the film… You do say so with this ambitious film but it is justified because it also has an idea and does not only tell about air, water, earth and fire, but link the elements to people, who work in hard and harsh conditions. Reminds you of Glawogger’s film ”Working Man’s Death” but has its own distant approach to the characters and is a visual formidable interpretation of a forest being cleaned, a fishing boat in high sea, a mine deeep down and an astronaut training venue.

The montage keeps you watching this our world, fascinating and scary at the same time, no eco-preaching, see for yourself, reflect, an essay maybe, some overall (biblical?) texts linking the chapters one after the other, and the sound design second to none.

What a pleasure to watch a film that insists on the image.

Holland, 2006, 85 mins.

Trento Diary 5 – Awards

Here are the results of the jury work. 4 of the films will be reviewed in the coming 3 days. Plus one that did not get a prize: Stranded.

Gran Premio “Città di Trento” – Gold Gentian and 5000 Euro for the best film of all, possessing high artistic qualities, that corresponds to the cultural aims pursued by the Festival.
4 ELEMENTS by Jiska Rickels (Holland, 2006 / 85′)

Italian Alpine Club Prize Gold Gentian and 3000 Euro for the best film on mountains and mountaineering.
AU DELÀ DES CIMES by Rémy Tezier (France, 2008 / 75′ )

City of Bolzano Prize – Gold Gentian and 3000 Euro for the best film on Alpine culture.
HEIMATKLÄNGE by Stefan Schwietert (Switzerland, 2007 / 81′)

Silver Gentian and 1500 Euro for the best short film.
IL NEIGE À MARRAKECH by Hicham Alhayat (Switzerland, 2006 / 15′)

Silver Gentian and 1500 Euro for the best television production.
JOURNEY OF A RED FRIDGE by Lucian Muntean e Nataša Stankovi? (Serbia, 2007 / 52′)

Silver Gentian and 1500 Euro for the best artistic technical contribution.
SCHAFSKÄLTE by August Pflugfelder (Germany, 2007 / 44′)

Jury Prize
DAUGHTERS OF WISDOM by Bari Pearlman (USA, 2007 / 68′)

The Jury was comprised of film director Maurizio Zaccaro (President), Danish documentary consultant Tue Steen Müller, Swiss film director Sylviane Neuenschwander, Italian mountaineer Elio Orlandi and by the Iranian film director and writer Siba Shakib.  

Distribution: Jon Bang Carlsen

Jeg gik så på i går og bestilte løs af Bang Carlsens værk. Og allerede i dag kunne mit dejlige bibliotek her i byen meddele, at jeg kan hente kopier af Zuma the Puma og Min afrikanske dagbog. Men Næste stop paradis og Time out er der ikke noget bibliotek der har, skønt de altså er opført i Imidlertid er der også fra mit dejlige bibliotek kommet besked om, at disse titler nu er reserveret til mig: En fisker i Hanstholm, Fugl Fønix, Jeg ville først finde sandheden, Livet vil leves, Min afrikanske dagbog, Min irske dagbog, Smalfilmerens søn!!

Så filminstituttet har ikke fået biblioteksudlånet til private helt destrueret. Endnu.. Og der var flere Bang Carlsen film på lsten i Så det kan være kopierne bliver der, til box serien er ude – og bibliotekerne selvfølgelig køber dem. Allesammen, allesammen.

Nu venter jeg spændt på, om reserveringerne fører til, at jeg kan hente kopierne. Det er ikke sikkert, ved jeg. Swedenborgs Om kloderne i vort solsystem som kaldes planeter.. har jeg haft reserveret siden 7. juli sidste år. Men jeg er en tålmodig mand, og det ER et dejligt bibliotek.

Foto: Jon Bang Carlsen: En fisker i Hanstholm.

Trento Diary 4

Time for banalities. My own ones and examples from the films I have seen. Word banalities.

My own first: Wow, how much the viewing situation means for your evaluation of a film. Being in a jury you will always watch a lot of s… and therefore some good films may become better than they are, when they get to you. An oasis in a desert.

That is one thing, another is that some films you watch differently the second time, when your head is fresh and you concentrate as you are supposed to do as a member of a jury. Second time I watched the idfa winner ”Stranded”, I could see its qualities of filmmaking, especially of the reconstructions. The same goes for the Dutch ”4 Elements”, that I had watched on my computer. Now it was on the big screen and that demonstrated fully its cinematic brilliance.

And banalities from mountain films: The more commercial of them pour out one-liners expressed by their protagonists. Read for yourself:

”Extreme sport is a way of life. It was my way to become a man”. ”You are discovering yourself”. ”There is a thin line between success and disaster, between life and death”. ”On vit comme un mouton ou on vit comme un lion”. ”This is the biggest thing I have done in my life”. ”You have to know what the mountains are saying to you. You have to read them”.

Awards have been decided. Will inform you in some days accompanied by some short reviews. Still: 4 Elements.