Mikhail Vartanov: Parajanov: The Last Spring

This documentary from 1992 tells about Sergei Parajanov (1924-1990), considered to be one of the masters of cinema, far too little known compared to his importance as it is said on the website


that honours him, brings quotes about his greatness from Fellini, Godard and the one that could be said to resemble him in film language, also a master: Andrey Tarkovsky.

The film by Vartanov is a breathtaking hommage to Parajanov, who due to his long emprisonment during the Soviet times ended up having a consequent limited filmography, complemented by an extensive collection of paintings, drawings and collages. In most of the film the camera puts the focus on the beautiful old man with the white beard, he moves badly, he is completely introvert, he is moving towards the end of his life. Contrary to how he was, as shows the archive material from his shootings and the clips from his films firmly grounded in Armenian reality and culture and poetry. The film is chaptered with long sequences without words, only image and music. Pure beauty.

I have never seen a film by Parajanov… I want to do so in the near future. His films are available on Amazon, and for Danish readers – go to Laserdisken and iMusic.

Razvan Georgescu: Testimony

The director was – in his own words – given a second chance after a brain tumor operation. The doctors gave him three years more to live and he has used these three years to – own words again – enter this film journey between life and death, where he visits artists who are in the same terminal illness situation or who in other ways have been inspired by challenging their mortality. 

The viewer meets sociologist and writer Helmut Dubiel, screenwriter William Finn, artist Katherine Sherwood, video artist Bill Viola, painter Jörg Immendorf, the director´s father Remus Georgescu and the sculptor Peter Jecsa.

… and the director himself. We don´t see him but we hear his voice once in a while to remind us how long time there remains of the film, and – he plays in a completely unsentimental way with this – maybe of his life. (Razvan Georgescu is still alive and continues filming other people from the art world for a new version of the film).

All the way through the film we return to the operation room, doctors put on gloves ready for action, as is the sculptor, the conductor, the painter and the video artist Bill Viola, who has one of the most interesting parts of the film, in which he describes what was behind his masterpiece “The Passing”. I mention this but could have taken other sequences from this very well constructed and inspiring film essay on the healing nature of art.

2008, 90 mins. Sneak preview. Will go to festivals and on Arte. http://www.ovie.com/projects/testimony/


Herzog footnote

Allan Berg, my fellow blogger, is fascinated by Werner Herzog. And indeed, he is a great filmmaker, who has brought something new to the documentary genre. “Little Dieter Needs to Fly”, as an example, is a pure masterpiece.

Allan advises you to go to the Werner Herzog site to read his Minnesota Declaration, which he made to comment on what he calls the cinéma vérité. Allan writes in Danish, the declaration is in English.

Fun to read it is and inspiring, but also nonsense from the side of Herzog to denounce – let´s call it that – the observational documentary cinema. Is there no truth in what Sergey Dvortsevoy does, or what about Herz Frank, Pennebaker, Leacock, Wiseman? Is it reasonable to reduce observational documentary to mere search of facts…

Of course not, and Herzog knows that, and that is why he publicly excused his provocative Minnesota statement at a meeting where all the old boys – Maysles included, he is probably the one that Herzog refers to when he says that he has heard a filmmaker say that he can find the truth by observation, by being there – were present.

But fun reading. The documentary genre is alive and kicking. The diversity is a sign of good health for the genre.


Jeremy Isaacs: Cold War

Måske er den historiske serie, som lige nu kører sit 14. afsnit ud fra DR2 stationens valg og smag for oplysning, et eksempel på, hvad Herzog mener, når han siger, at kendsgerninger skaber normer, men sandheder skaber indsigt.

Afsnittet handler om Krusjtjovs og Dubceks periode, og der er fascinerende arkivmateriale at gense og en imponerende række vidner i interviews fotograferet i den sædvanlige skrå vinkel i det den sædvanlige teatralske lyssætning. Fint nok, kendsgerninger at se og høre, og alt, jeg til nu har sammenfattet om de folk og den tid, bliver bekræftet. Kendsgerningerne normaliserer.

Det er sandhederne, afsnittet mangler. Jeg havde måske ventet, Havel kunne levere dem. Det skete ikke, det lykkedes ham ikke at trænge gennem konceptet. Han, der nok ellers har kunnet undgå at forveksle kendsgerning og sandhed..

Jeremy Isaacs: Cold War 1-24, 1996, afsnit 14: Prags korte forår, DR2 i dag, 18:15. Isaacs skabte i 1973 med The World at War denne særlige model for det storpolitiske tv-epos. www.dr.dk/dr2/Den+kolde+krig  http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/cold.war/guides/debate/chats/isaacs/ 

Werner Herzogs poetik 2

Blot at tage et kamera og så prøve at være ærlig er naivt og både rigtigt og forkert på en måde, som minder Herzog om nattevagten i Supreme Court, som fortørnes over mængden af skrevne love og tilladte procedurer. “Jeg synes, der bare skulle være en eneste lov: De slemme fyre skal puttes i fængsel.” Uheldigvis har han på en måde ret, for de flestes vedkommende, det fleste gange, bemærker Herzog.

Cinéma Vérité forveksler kendsgerninger med sandhed og pløjer derfor kun sten. Og dog, kendsgerninger har somme tider en mærkelig, en sælsom kraft, som gør, at deres nedarvede sandhed forekommer vanskelig at tro på, hedder det i Minnesotaerklæringens tredje afsnit, Herzog fascineres ved visse kendsgerninger, men tordner alligevel i afsnit fire: Kendsgerninger skaber normer, sandhed skaber belysning og viden.

Og netop i filmkunsten er der dybere lag af sandhed… (fortsættes)

Werner Herzogs poetik

Den er fra 1999, denne erklæring om sandhed og kendsgerning i dokumentarfilm, som Herzog kalder Lessons of Darkness. Den er underskrevet 30. april det år på Walker Art Center i Minneapolis, Minnesota. Det er snart ti år siden og Dogme 95 var dengang det filmiske æstetik regelsæt, man talte om. Herzog opfatter von Triers og Vinterbergs regler “som en madopskrift”, fortalte han, da han oktober 2006 holdt master class på filmskolen.

Herzog stiller helt andre og inderligere krav til et kyskhedsløfte. Hans tilværelsessyn er ældre og har i sig en ganske anden grundstemning. Og følgelig en anden etik. Der er 12 punkter i hans Minnesotaerklæring, som kan læses på hans hjemmeside


(vælg “Minnesota Declaration” i indexet), og han begynder med at konstatere, at trods sin sin erklæring om det modsatte er den såkaldte cinéma vérité blottet for verité. Det bliver i dens ortodokse naivitet til en kunstig sandhed, til en bogholdernes sandhed. En fremtrædende repræsentant for kunstretningen erklærede engang offentligt, at sandheden let kan findes ved blot at gribe et kamera og prøve at være ærlig.

Annie Leibovitz – Life through a Lens

I missed it when it was at cph:dox last year but the Swedish broadcaster SVT2 had it on its excellent strand KSpecial programme last night. And I was glad to see it. Not so much because of the film itself – which is one of those “look at this genius” programmes, where a lot of the celebrities, she had photographed was interviewed to tell us how brilliant she is. From Mick Jagger to Hillary Clinton – but because the film showed the development of a classic documentary photographer who started as an observer, who was inspired by Robert Frank and Cartier-Bresson, to end up as a set-up portrait photographer of celebrities.

Her sister made the film, that is most interesting when it describes the observational period at the cult magazine Rolling Stones where she made exceptionally good photos based on her close relationship with John Lennon and Yoko Ono, and with the members of the Rolling Stones. But not only that, also a wide range of social issues was covered by Leibovitz, a daring character, as one says about her, a person who says that “mobility is my God – as long as I´m travelling I´m happy”, a person who was able to make herself unnoticed because she as a true documentarian stayed with her characters for a long time so they forgot she was there.

The film can be bought through Amazon.

More about the film: http://www.cphdox.dk/d1/ft.lasso?s=2007106&ser=512&e=1

USA, 2006, 83 mins.

ZagrebDox Pitching, East Beats West

15 documentary projects were presented at the ZagrebDox pitching thursday the 28th of February. There were 9 commissioning editors around the table. 4 from the West (Arte, YLE, ORF, Jan Vrijman Fund) and 4 from the region, from the Bosnian, Croatian and Macedonian public channel plus from B92, the eternal opposition channel when it comes to Serbian political reality. On top of that a representative from the new Croatian Audiovisual Institute that is to distribute public money for film.

Only the Croatian television seems to have funding for independent productions, the others can offer archive material as their contribution. A generous award from the ZagrebDox festival (5000€) was given to the project ”Village Without Women” by director Srdan Sarenac from Serbia and producer Estelle Robin from France. The price is for the further development of a film project that is very promising and has a big potential for travelling internationally.

The jury for the price was Cecilia Lidin from EDN, Gena Teodosievska from Macedonian Television and Franz Grabner from ORF (Austria). Let me – I was moderator for the session and trained the pitchers two days in advance together with Cecilia Lidin, the best moderator North of the Alps – point at three other projects with an international potential and high film quality: ”Djangarchi” by Croatian team Zoran Krema and Tiha Gudac, ”And Where is Valter” by Bosnian award winner Jasmila Zbanic and ”Cinema Komunisto” by Mila Turajlic.

The latter, having been on the market for a long time, got the ORF on board during the pitching session. Yes, again you can say without hesitation: East Beats West. It is from this region and the rest of the Eastern Europe that the original stories come with a clear artistic ambition. Here there is still a wildness in approach, close to the free documentary that we all want to see.

Link to ZagrebDox site: http://www.zagrebdox.net/html/en/zagrebdox_pro.php Still: Blog writer Tue Steen Müller at the pitching forum.

On Location 2

The new photos at the top of filmkommentaren.dk are showing, from the left, Danish director Joergen Leth and his cameraman Henning Camre on the set of Notes on Love, Werner Herzog in action – which film is that…. – and Eva Mulvad in Afghanistan for awardwinning “Enemies of Happiness”.

Michael Noer: Vesterbro

Omsider har jeg fået mulighed for at se Julie og Martins kærligheds historie, og det er, ser jeg, århundredets kærlighedshistorie. I hvert fald endnu. Jeg er meget glad for den film og giver den fem penne i ren spontan glæde. Jeg må alligevel prøve at begrunde – sådan lidt efter lidt. Tænke mig om.

Filmen er fremragende fordi Julie er så sød (ja, det er jo usagligt), Martin er så øretæveindbydende (det er i hvert fald rigtigt), inspirationen fra Ghosts of Cité Soleil er brugt så smukt. Klipperen Adam Nielsen og Michael Noer balancerer de to karakterers udvikling selvfølgeligt naturligt så de, skønt han ikke bevæger sig og hun er i ekspresfart, mødes atter og atter: PLANG.. ja! hjertet oppe i halsen, pulsen bankende, tørheden i munden.. det er vildt spændende!

Filmen er fremragende fordi den går videre end cinéma vérité tradidionen, fordi den ikke blot er en skildring af virkelighed, men en virkelig konstruktion af selve viljen til liv personificeret i den unge kvinde som dokumentarisk karakter og ved hjælp af hendes lånte kamera. Hun filmer selv og sætter kameraet fra sig og filmer så også sig selv. Den vilje er den unge mands konstante udfordring.

Vesterbro er en forbløffende home movie, modig, munter, alvorlig, ærlig. Så klogt, så sofistikeret organiseret og fortalt fra klippebordet i den cinematografiske films tradition med indhold af biografisk drama. Lavet som direct cinema dagbog med samtaler og monologer og med en klar kunstnerisk attityde. 

Michael Noer: Vesterbro, 2007. Klip: Adam Nielsen. Produceret af Copenhagen Bombay Productions 1, info@copenhagenbombay.com  Foromtale: http://www.dfi.dk/tidsskriftetfilm/56/youtube.htm Deltog i Odense Film Festival 2008. Får så vidt vides biografpremiere september 2008.