DOXBOX Damascus Diary 2

Full house for the film of Omar Amiralay from 1982, ”The Misfortune of Some”, produced for the French channel Antenne 2, during the Lebanese war. Amiralay is the Syrian documentary filmmaker, his films have been shown all over the world, he is the role model for the young Syrian filmmakers and now also active at the Arab Film Institute, the film school in Amman.

I am told that 5 of his films are banned in Syria and that he was not allowed by the authorities to introduce or discuss the film that I saw – even if he was there in the hall to support the organisers of the festival by his mere presence. Respect! The film is first of all a portrait of total turmoil, the French (sub)title being ”Un homme dans la tourmente”. This man is a charismatic and extremely funny round figure, who is a taxi driver and turns into a kind of undertaker during the film and the events it is covering.

We get to learn about his relationship to women and about many other common daily issues in the world. We see the bombed Beirut, and stylistical breaks to this main character, among other things there is a scene with a group of people (a big family?) that watch television. Underlined with a sound score that gives the absurdity of it all.

A discovery for me, and Arab neo-classic, would like another view with someone giving me some background of historical nature. … and then a revisit to Werner Herzog with ”Lessons of Darkness”, what a masterpiece. More about the festival, already now a success in terms of audience:

DOXBOX Damascus Diary 1

This is a small report from the first day of the new DOX BOX documentary festival in Damascus. At the opening yesterday there was full house in at the Al Kindi Film Theatre, where the DOX BOX team, headed by Diana El Jeiroudi and Orwa Nyrabia welcomed the flight-delayed foreign guests – and first of all a full house of an audience, that watched the classic “Light & Shadows” by Omar Amiralay, Mohammad Malas and Ossama Mohammad from 1994, followed by Pirjo Honkasalo´s “3 Rooms of Melancholia”, that will be subject to a masterclass, where the Finnish director will be accompanied by Danish editor Niels Pagh Andersen.

The atmosphere is all very generous and full of hospitality, the catalogue is fine, the organisers are nervous, it is as it should be for a first edition of a long awaited festival in a country where the tradition for documentaries is not really existant.

For the Danish readers – the Danish Institute in the soukh of Damascus is exactly so beautiful as the rumours had announced. The Institute supports the festival and we are several who think about projects that would qualify one to stay in the historical building so wonderfully kept with courtyards that are second to none when it comes to beauty.

The film programme starts in a while: Nicholas Philibert, two Arabic documentaries that I will write about, Herzog with his “Lessons of Darkness” and Remunda´s “Czech Dream”. Cross fingers for audience!

Beata Dzianowicz: Kites

Sneak preview of a film from Poland shot in Afghanistan by Jacek Petrycki, master in camerawork as he has shown so many times before with Kieslowski and Marcel Lozinski.

Beata Dzianowicz has written and directed this film about a group of young film students in Kabul, who are offered a film course by the Polish. They are given small video cameras and Polish Jacek (not the cameraman but another J) teaches them what a documentary is. His and the director´s idea is to make the young ones describe their own reality without prejudices, making the expressions coming from within themselves. It is not easy but they fight for it and we as spectators see clips of what they are doing, we see them at work, we see their enthusiasm and curiosity, we hear them talking “official language”, we see them behave like tv-reporters but we also see them, accompanied by Petrycki catching an Afghan urban reality that we very seldom are introduced to in documentaries made by Westerners.

It is informative, it is touching to meet these youngsters who are to build the future of their tormented country.

Once again Bravo to Eureka Media, whose owner and producer Krzysztof Kopczynski directed “Stone Silence”, shot in Northern Afghanistan.

“Kites” is a masterpiece and if I were a festival selector or a broadcaster I would immediately contact the producer to get a screener.

More about the film on

Poland, 2008, 80 mins. (TV-version of 52 mins. also available)

Iikka Vehkalahti: A good documentary is

Taken from the site of IDF (Institute of Documentary Film)

commissioning editor from YLE in Finland says:

…something which on one level is very private to the individual. Something that touches my life, but which also has something very universal – universal. A great film is when the private goes through the heavy block of politics/ economics/ media and reaches the universal, is in dialogue with it. Every action a person takes reflects his/her values. There are things which are common to all of us in the world: basic values (like justice), basic emotions (like fear and joy) and experiences (like pain or falling in love) and a good documentary has this universal nature that makes it so dear to so many. Don’t try to make international films. Make films which are more near to you. The most local films are sometimes the most international, because they are universal.

In a good documentary the director and his camera see things, go deeper than just showing things or events in front of the camera. For several reasons I have really started to miss camerawork where the camera really sees. An example: very often now a director makes a documentary following the story of the protagonist in such a way, that the narrative story (will he survive the sickness? will he divorce? etc…) means that it is not so important how the whole film has been shot at all.
A good documentary needs a story, but the story can be something more than just a flat “story”, it can be associative, emotional, fact-based, philosophical. Life is richer than Hollywood describes.

And finally a good documentary will live in time: it has a timeless character. A good documentary is something that you will look at after 10 years and after 50 years its value is still higher.
The film goes deeper and deeper. There must be a moral and philosophical element too.

Kay Bæckmann: Husker du Frank?

Igen en journalistisk case, ser det ud til. Yderst sentimental i præsentationen på DR1 hjemmesiden. Men vi har jo forskellige tærskler for den slags. Dog alligevel, alene det bragte still, igen alting forankret i den der danske familie, hvorom så meget – for meget sandsynligvis – drejer sig. Imidlertid ER det jo noget andet, det handler om her: den stakkels mand er ved at forlade vores virkelighed, og udfordringen for filmen må vel være at trænge så meget den formår ind i hans nye virkelighed, journalistisk eller kunstnerisk. Undersøge om den er den voksende eller svindende, den virkelighed, som forekommer os udenfor som en tåget verden? Og hvordan er den, hvad enten den er som et lille barns eller ej..

Nu får jeg se. Det begynder om lidt. I mellemtiden kigger jeg lidt på redegørelsen for sygdommen. Også på hjemmesiden:

Det var og er, som jeg formodede, Bæckmann har valgt at fokusere på familien og dens liv med Franks sygdom. Hans karakter objektgøres umærkeligt, der tales i dialogen åbenlyst om ham i tredje person. Men i takt med, at hans demenssygdom tager til, vokser han i sin karakters udvikling. Det sker nok i løbet af optagelserne og det fastholdes heldigvis i klippet, men det udnyttes desværrre ikke filmisk, for det ligger uden for det valgte greb, som er en særlig interesse for den folkelige skildring.

Vi finder slet ikke ud af, får end ikke en fornemmelse af, hvad der foregår i Franks sind, over dette spørgsmål funderer filmen ikke. Og dette manglende essay, denne beskedne spadestiksdybde er dokumentarens svaghed. Den er i mine øjne bare ikke i orden, hverken journalistisk eller kunstnerisk.

Men den den tapre familie som holder til det hele, er det hele værd. Og den motorsagkyndige og kørelæreren. Stor tak til dem for deres mod. Men det egentlige drama er ikke for eksempel den flotte filmscene, hvor de vil tage nøglen til bilen fra ham, det store drama foregår i det skjulte for kamera og mikrofon og klip og dermed for os. I det stille.. i Franks sind.

Kay Bæckmann: Husker du Frank? 2008. DR1. Genudsendes 25. februar 13:50 og 28. februar 09:00.

Marathon Dok in Copenhagen

What to do a loong grey saturday in February in Copenhagen?

You go to watch documentaries at the Danish Film School where EDN (European Documentary Network) per tradition invites professionals and film students to attend a mini-festival with long and short documentaries, and this year even with so-called minimovies from the Dutch company Submarine (se )

It´s an excellent programme that includes the IDFA winner of 2007, “Stranded”.

See for yourself:

… and if you find this concept interesting, why not do the same! Contact  

DoxBox festival in Damascus

It must be a good sign for the documentary genre that festivals are starting all over the world. And that the more established ones break their audience attendance records year after year. A Golden Age for the documentary? I think so and believe so, both in terms of public interest and aesthetic development, at the same time as I try to forget that television is getting poorer and poorer when it comes to documentary support and programming.

Two hard working Syrian documentarians, Diana El Jeiroudi and Orwa Nyrabia, who presented their film “Dolls” at IDFA in Amsterdam, launch from friday 15th of February DOXBOX 08 in Damascus with a beautiful mélange of new films, neo-classics and classics. I have the privilege to be a member of the advisory board of the new festival and go there to watch films by Pirjo Honkasalo, Nicholas Philibert, Werner Herzog, Johan van der Keuken, Pernille Grønkjær, Nanna Frank Møller, Filip Remunda, Patricio Guzman, Jean Vigo – plus films by local Omar Amiralay, who is a great filmmaker and far too little known outside his own country and France.

More about the festival

På vej til Paradis

Selvfølgelig fik jeg fumlemikkel problemer med at få den bærbare og projektoren til at fungere i salen på Randers Kloster hvor kaffebordene stod og ventede og folk begyndte at komme. Klosterforstanderen, som er et dygtigt menneske hjalp og fik en fin lyd frem i salens højttalere, men billedet ville ikke på skærmen. Vende kablet? Det hjalp ikke. Lukke alt ned og ringe til forstanderen på FOF, og han kom og ordnede det så let som næsten ingenting. Vi kunne begynde til tiden. Med min noget nervøst adspredte indledning.

Men Suvi Andrea Heminens film er SÅ smuk – en intenst lyttende ro bredte sig i salen. Filmen sank ned i disse mennesker.. Som en sagde bagefter: “Der er ikke én her som ikke har prøvet dele af det, vi har set, og alle har vi prøvet at pakke vore liv sammen og flytte herhen..”

Ja, det er en klog film om det altsammen for sådan nogle som os.. Da jeg bar mine tasker ud bagefter, mødte jeg på gangen en af medarbejderne på klosteret. “Hvor ER det en dejlig film”, sagde hun. Spontant begejstret, ikke blot høflig. “Hvor kan jeg købe en kopi af den?” Ja, så vidt jeg vidste kunne hun ikke det for tiden noget sted. Måske låne den på biblioteket? Det må undersøges..

Jo, ganske rigtigt. Den findes som netdokument. Det har jeg ikke prøvet før, men så bestiller jeg den da som angivet i instruktionen på Fra Randers Bibliotek, hvor jeg er tilmeldt. Så ser vi, hvad der sker..

PS I min anmeldelse af “På vej til Paradis” her på skrev jeg, at jeg var forstyrret af nogle bitte små skønhedsfejl i klippet. Det var jeg imidlertid ikke i går. Så jeg må have været noget uopmærksom tidligere. Nu har jeg faktisk overhovedet ingen indvendinger. Filmen forekommer fejlfri.

Suvi Andrea Helminen: På vej til Paradis, 2007.

ZagrebDox, Puhovski and Lozinski

Nenad Puhovski is a filmmaker and film school professor and festival founder and organizer from Zagreb, Croatia. His commitment to the documentary is enormous. He has through his Factum delivered several critical films on Croatian politics and action during the war a bit more than 10 years ago. His life has been threatened for the very same reason but he has raised debate and has also many supporters, who have also welcomed his 3 year long initiative, the festival ZagrebDox.

I am one of those from outside, who will go to Zagreb again to help Nenad and his great team to make another workshop and pitching session with filmmakers from the region, representing 15 projects.

The festival offers an international competition, a regional competition, a Japanese selection and much more including a retrospective of one of the absolute masters of documentary cinema: Polish Marcel Lozinski.  

For me Lozinski´s film “Anything Can Happen” from 1995 is one of the best documentaries ever made. Around 40 minutes of pure beauty with the son of the director as the main character, who runs around in a park talking to old people about existential matters: Life, Death, Love, Loneliness.

The festival takes place February 25 to March 2 and you can read all about it on  

Anna Katrin Nørgaard: Alt for Martin

Jeg er forsigtig med journalistiske cases. Åbner normalt ikke, eller står hurtigt af. Men dette arbejde holdt mig fast, det aftvinger dyb respekt. En kvinde passer på fuld tid sin hjerneskadede og hjælpeløse søn gennem 17 år, lever med ham dag ud og ind alle døgnets timer. Og hun vælger alt andet fra i en voldsom eksistentiel koncentration, som må være livskunst. Og det lykkes dokumentaren at gennemføre fortællingen og argumentationen, så jeg accepterer kvindens afgørende replik, da sønnen er død, og hun står med et livsafsnit bag sig: “Jeg har da levet disse 17 år.”

Sådan en replik afhænger af styrken hos den, som siger den. Og kvinden, Anette Schütze er en stærk person og en rigtig god karakter (og de er sjældne i tv-dokumentarer..). Hendes ikke et øjeblik vaklende fortælling ER dokumentaren. Den er selvfølgelig klippet, men ellers er det ikke konstruktionen, som her er værket. Det er hendes liv og hendes så fint skanderede fortælling om det.

Dertil holdes dokumentaren oppe af en række gode scener, ja, rigtige scener, faktisk: en samtale med frisøren, et kort bevægende øjeblik i kirken under konfirmationen, en gennemgående samtale med lægen, den gode læge, som fulgte med gennem de mange år. “Jeg har lænet mig op ad dig al den tid” siger hun til ham. Og der kan nævnes flere steder fyldt med denne autenticitet, denne filmiske vibreren, som skaber en scene.

Plottet med lægefejlen under fødslen og konfrontationen med den uheldige læge lykkes, fordi det tones ned, emotionelt og dramaturgisk. Men historien om ægteskabet, som går i stykker får alt, alt for lidt plads og uddybning. Det er dokumentarens største problem. Som det er blevet, burde det være klippet ud. Som jobhistorien er det, som historien med vennerne er det. Dokumentarens præcise titel angiver fokus, som – næsten altså – er holdt.

Anna Katrin Nørgaard: Alt for Martin, 2008. DR1 i aftes. Genudsendes på DR1 21. februar 09:00.