Sarajevo FF Documentary Competition 2024

… With a programme curated – as usual – by Rada Šešić, who picked 21 films for the programme. Nineteen films are competing for awards: 3 will have their world premieres, 5 their international premieres, 1 its European premiere, 8 their regional premieres, and 2 their Bosnian and Herzegovinian premieres in Sarajevo. Two films will be shown out of competition: one will have its world premiere, and one its Bosnian and Herzegovinian premiere.
“This year’s selection can be described as ‘fishing in the river of time’. This method, creatively applied in a large number of chosen films, offers a unique authorial perspective on the passage of time, whether through exceptional archival material or refined cinematic observation. Documentarians thereby provide the audience with an engaging sensory experience while prompting reflection. This is also a year of personal stories; half of the selection reflects deeply personal or intimate family narratives, yet through subtly depicted micro-worlds, it mirrors the exciting and often provocative macro-world of the environment, political upheavals, and social struggles. Short documentaries boldly blend cinematic styles and push the boundaries of documentary texture into other genres. We proudly highlight seven talented debutantes from the region whose brave and distinctly original cinematic expressions will define this documentary year,” stated Rada Šešić.
Mandy Chang, Founder and Creative Director, Undeniable, Fremantle’s label, USA
Marek Hovorka, Founder and Director, Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival, Czech Republic
Wang Xiaoshuai, Director, writer and producer, China
Award in the amount of €4,000, sponsored by the Government of Switzerland
Award in the amount of €2,000
Award in the amount of €3,000, sponsored by the Kingdom of the Netherlands
Award in the amount of €2,500
1. BIANG BIANG EXPRESS / MIÀN MIÀN JÙ DÀO, Nikola Stojanović (Serbia, China, 2024, 10 min.) – World premiere
2. DAD’S LULLABY / TATOVA KOLYSKOVA, Lesia Diak (Ukraine, Romania, Croatia, 2024, 78 min.) – World premiere
3. YOUR LIFE WITHOUT ME / AZ ÉLETED NÉLKÜLEM, Anna Rubi (Hungary, Sweden, 2024, 72 min.) – World premiere
4. HETEROTOPIA / HETEROTOPIJA, Nikola Nikolić (Serbia, 2024, 7 min.) – International premiere
5. LOXY, Dimitris Zahos, Thanasis Kafetzis (Greece, 2024, 87min.) – International premiere
6. OUR CHILDREN / NAŠA DJECA, Silvestar Kolbas (Croatia, 2024, 92 min.) – International premiere
7. THE SEAGULL / GALEB, David Lušičić (Croatia, 2024, 29 min.) – International premiere
8. WHAT WE ASK OF A STATUE IS THAT IT DOESN’T MOVE / AFTO POU ZITAME APO ENA AGALMA INE NA MIN KINITE, Daphné Hérétakis (Greece, France, 2024, 31 min.) – International premiere
9. RE:VISITED JASENOVAC, Admir Rahmanović (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sweden, 2023, 12 min.) – European premiere
10. ALICE ON & OFF, Isabela Tent (Romania, 2024, 86 min.) – Regional premiere
11. A PICTURE TO REMEMBER / FOTO NA PAM’YAT, Olga Chernykh (Ukraine, France, Germany, 2023, 72 min.) – Regional premiere
12. BETWEEN DELICATE AND VIOLENT / ZARAFET VE ŞIDDET ARASINDA, Şirin Bahar Demirel (Turkey, Netherlands, 2023, 15 min.) – Regional premiere
13. CENT’ANNI, Maja Prelog (Slovenia, Italy, Poland, Serbia, Austria, 2024, 87 min.) – Regional premiere
14. FRAGMENTS OF ICE / FRAGMENTY LYODU, Maria Stoianova (Ukraine, Norway, 2024, 95 min.) – Regional premiere
15. … NED, TASSOT, YOSSOT …, Brigitte Weich (Austria, 2023, 99 min.) – Regional premiere
16. PAIN / BOL, Ivan Faktor (Croatia, 2024, 22 min.) – Regional premiere
17. PAVILION 6 / PAVILJON 6, Goran Dević (Croatia, 2024, 69 min.) – Regional premiere
18. AT THE DOOR OF THE HOUSE WHO WILL COME KNOCKING / KO ĆE POKUCATI NA VRATA MOG DOMA, Maja Novaković (Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Belgium, 2024, 85 min.) – B&H premiere
19. LIKE A SICK YELLOW / SI E VERDHË E SËMUR, Norika Sefa (Kosovo*, 2024, 23 min.) – B&H premiere
20. PRASLOVAN, Slobodan Maksimović (Slovenia, Croatia, 2024, 112 min.) – World premiere, out of competition
21. BEKIM FEHMIU, Valmir Tertini (Albania, 2023, 66 min.) – B&H premiere, out of competition.