Carlo Lo Giudice: Padre Nostro

Scratch me! Hug me! Don’t act stupid! The father is 90 and the son around 50. They live together, they sleep in the same bed. They caress each other in the bed. The son constantly scratches the father´s back and sometimes it goes the other way around. The son gives the father a bath, shaves his face, brings him along to work – the son runs a gallery – shouts and laughs at him. The old man seems sometimes to be a bit confused, the doctor says you are dement, the son tells him laughing after he has been to hospital for check. The film has its funny moments in depicting these every day situations. I´m the boss, no I´m the boss. Stop this ”you can, you can not”, the father argues.
An observation it is, made with respect and love for the two of them, for me never felt as a peep show, but as a demonstration of strong emotional bonds between the two Italians. And bravo for the closing scene where they go to harvest olives with the old man sitting in the car watching… Pure beauty!
Italy/Portugal, 2008, 40 mins.